I've been really busy lately. I live with my father now so that's a story in and of itself. I've been working my ass of so I can fix plumbing issues at this house.They're all fixed now. But in between work and school, I have a little playtime. Two or three weeks ago I bought God of War Collection for my PS3. I've had a lot of fun with these games. I played a demo of the first game a long time ago. I loved it but was too young to understand it. Then came God of War II. I was in that state of mind where I was growing, maturing and changing. I fell in love with God of War II when it first came out. I never beat it though, due to my new found addiction to Metal Gear Solid. But I bought these games on PS3. I've already beaten the first game. And now I'm working on II. Today I also revisited my roots and bought Rayman. The PSN Store has it as a PS1 Classic for $5.99. I started playing it and quickly realized how easily entertained I was when I was a kid. I still love the game. I'm just stunned at how something so simplistic can be so fun. I'm going to promise myself that I will beat this game. I also bought Burn Zombie Burn! I like this game because of it's BOXHEAD style. I can play this game for hours on end. I'm growing up now. I find myself turning away from my little nerdy gamer side of my personality. I still love games, and I know I'll always be a player. But there's so much more out there. I need a car, I want to fix up this house. I want to LIVE. Not hide in my room with a controller in my hands. I'm not saying I'm giving it up, I'm saying that I'm slowing down...
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