I've nearly finished the game and I have to agree on almost every point. The game looks stunning, the story is quite good, and I was into the gameplay towards the beginning when the missions were short and sweet, but now that I'm getting into longer combat encounters the whole thing is dragging like nobody's business. The game definitely feels clunky in a way most modern games try very hard not to.
"It's also the second best opening ever in the US, behind 2015's Jurassic World ($208.8 million)."
This is simply incorrect. There are 17 movies with bigger opening weekends than Finding Dory, not to mention the fact that the biggest domestic opening isn't Jurassic World, it's Star Wars: TFA. But then it wouldn't really make sense that the gap between the top grossing weekend (247 million for Star Wars) and the supposed 2nd biggest (136 million for Finding Dory), would be so enormous, would it? Might need to edit that paragraph a bit.
@VakarianGirl: Totally with you on that one! All the asari in the first trilogy are a little same-y and "traditionally gorgeous" in terms of their faces, so it's nice to finally see something different!
@LeonsKnnedy: I don't think anyone's saying people complained about FemShep, because that honestly wouldn't make any sense since you can pick the gender of your character. But a male Shepard was always sort of the "default" Shepard for the first ME trilogy. The boxes had the male Shepard on them, the trailers had the male Shepard in them, and people love to talk about how a male Shepard is the "canon" Shepard. So ending the trailer with a female Ryder as the "default" is pretty significant in comparison. Just my thought!
@golden1elite: Did you not read the article? They clearly reported on the resolutions of both versions...
"In terms of visuals, Doom runs at 1080p on PS4 and Xbox One using a dynamic resolution. The Xbox One version can fall "well below" 1080p in some sequences, however, according to the report."
Digital Foundry tested the PS4 and Xbox One versions against one another, not Gamespot...
What happened to no more breaks? Is Danny sick or something? Brain being devoured by a horde of skags? I hope EFMS comes back soon, because it's by far the best show on Gamespot!
I think this article is simply fantastic, Carolyn. Thank you so much for having the courage and self-confidence to write something like this! It is delightful to read something as honest and well thought- out as this; I think Poison is a truly interesting character, and that she deserves as much respect as a woman, a REAL bona-fide woman, as Chun-Li or Lara Croft. As you so expertly deduced, however, it is clear that she could care less who respects her for what she is: she'll be kicking them into next Tuesday soon enough. I, however, do. I think it's so great to have someone as confident as Poison, and in turn, as confident as you, to show the world that women come in all forms and are, as a rule, awesome. :) I've struggled with gender for a while now, and know how hard it is not to be accepted for who you are. How hard it is to have expectations on your head that you know don't match up with who you really are. How scary it is when you think of how people will react. to knowing the real you... Anyway, thanks for the honesty and the courage. I can always use a little extra, mind sending me a bit?
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