Shoot. And I always thought of going to E3 when I was old enough. I know that some people don't care. I don't think it's the end of the industry. I DO however, think that it will hurt it. All those people, all those demos, all those booth "babes" who can't get a real job, gone. Intimate, my ass. Yeah, more "sitting at the computer, reading and watching", and less "face to face with the real thing, having the best fun you've had in months, playing the newest generation". That's obviously gonna hurt sales, cause loads of people haven't even tried the games. Of course, like I said, I'm not affected. I just hope I see the same amount of games, and not just "Ratchet here, Halo here, Mario, Zelda, and... yup."
Whatever. I'm just glad that Nintendo is gaining more hype than ever this... millenium?(I bet I misspelled) Nintendo has the potential, now, to take over the console wars, just like the good old days!
I understand that very well. I like how Gamespot used examples other than video games. Well, I guess Mario looks better as a bunch of pixels that can't talk than a super-realistic plumber who's mouth moves like a type-writer when he talks.
1.Kingdom Hearts 2: Watching the combat is pretty awesome. 3-slice+push-in-the-air+whirlwind is always cool. Plus, the box is shiny. 2.Steambot Chronicles: The whole concept of the game could blow somebody away... Yeah. I don't really have a good list. 3.Cubivore: Ever heard of it? No? I thought so. 4.We "Heart" Katamari: It looks weird. Thus, after several minutes of ushering somebody to touch the box... BOOM! Hooked. 5.Jet Set Radio Future: I dunno. This happens to be my only sport-related game? The graphics are pretty trippy, and the gameplay and songs mix in well. Having somebody watch me pull off a trick that would be crazy-hard in real life is a recipe for "AWESOME!"
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