So i got bf3 and MW3 and i got to say i hate both of them. I like Bfbc2 and black ops a whole lot better. sop i think i will stick with last years games.
In Bf3 i cant even play because i keep on getting spawn killed over and over again. And in Mw3 there is too many campers for me to even play. It seems all the noobs from black ops have moved on to MW3.
Now in mw3 when i am not getting camped on it is a decent game but until the next COD comes out i don;t see all the noobs leaving. I felt the same way about black ops when i first got it
I will most definently be sticking with Black ops and Bad company 2.
But anyways My christmas was decent. I got
Razer lycrosa mirror special-Keyboard
Led's for my pc
And $200
With that money i bought an Monitor and Saints row 3
Saints row 3 is the best game I got this month......
Well anyways How was your christmas?