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I've picked my side!

I know this particular bit of news won't make the GameSpot frontpage, but what the heck, it's important to me.

In the upcoming console wars, I am officially rooting for the Xbox 360.

During the current generation the Xbox has been my machine of choice, followed by the Gamecube (for the Nintendo exclusives mostly and the joy of using the Wavebird), with the PS2 a distant third.

For the whole of the current generation I've had a thing against the PS2. First, the PS2 killed the Dreamcast. People are always talking about how they want innovation, how they're tired of games all being clones of each other. What a crock! The Dreamcast gave people this, and by large, people decided that what they really wanted was to play the latest reskinning of Final Fantasy (it's the same game every time folks!).
Secondly, the PS2's lineup was filled with the same stuff that the PS1's lineup was filled with, which I didn't feel much need to play back then either.
Finally, lets face it, the machine was a turd. The Emotion Engine? When was the last time you ran out to buy a new Sony video card for your PC? Never? That's because Sony isn't a contender in the high-end GPU business. I don't like the dual shock controller. The dual shock is a hack. If the analog sticks are going to be the primary inputs, put them in the primary positions. The sticks on the PS2 are where they are because the original PS1 controllers had none and when the N64 forced them to add them Sony just stuck 'em where they had some free space. That was then, why are they still there?

Now that the PS3 is coming out, I read the specs and I see the screenshots and I realize that I'm still no more excited about playing Metal Gear Solid now than I was 2 console generations ago. And while there's nothing specific on the Xbox 360 at the moment, I just have a feeling that, like this generation, what will be there will have far fewer convoluted storylines and more gameplay.

Anyways that's my rant, I've picked my side.