game one:
a flight simulator type game kind of like Ace Combat but a multiplayer online game like Aces High 2 for the pc. It is a WWII flight simulator game with up to like 400 or so people online in big battles on three different teams. I would like it to be more than just a WWII game maybe have it divided in to ranges like 1920's-1935; 1935-1945; 1945-1955; 1955-1960's; 1960's-1970's; 1970's-1980's; 1990's-present. It would be something like that depends on how fasttechnology evolved some ranges would be smaller than others. With the PS3 it has the power and then some and they say that they have the network a game like that would prove it i would not be against them talking to the people that made Aces High 2 about making a game for them for the PS3 if you would like to see Aces High 2 here is their game on Gamespot's website:
game two
a free rooming Vietnam War game where it is kind of like The GTA series but instead of walking around alone you would be doing a patrol on foot or in armored personnel vehicle and the farther you are along in the game the more people you could have with you. While on patrol their could be traps set by the VC and ambushes from their tunnels and it would be random on when they attack and how big of a force and in some of the villages you could go in and it be friendly one time and the next time they could attack you. and it the villages and towns and cities you could get some special sidemissions like you could be asked to assassinate a General or Government Official on either side but you would not be stuck in any side missions or nonessential missions. multiplayer both online and offline and both in the "story" part of the game and in a big war type of online game where you try to capture different cities or territories. you could have your friends next to you play and other members in your squad or they could have their own squad on your side so you could work together at getting that really hard mission where you have to attack an enemy base.
P.S. Call of Duty 4 should have a little guerilla warfare in it because that is what modern combat has become now but just some of it
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