Nice one Rob, check the batteries next time.
Tomb Raider
Didn't start off so great, All I saw was fire and pain and oh wow this is a really good reboot that isn't just a pain game. Then we turn into a proper game and it actually did seem like something I'd play. I would want to see more than just one level before comitting 60 bucks to it though.
EA Sports
Meh. I like the voice recognition ideas. The one that almost everyone is getting on board with.
Mass Effect 3
Wow. I approve of the voice commands, especially if it will let me micromanage my squadmates better.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Once again, voice commands. Those gestures are going to be a pain to learn though I'm sure. Hopefully there will be an option to use a controller for the game part of the game.
Kinect in Tom Clancy games
Can't wait for someone to walk through the room and get me spotted in Splinter Cell!
Give me Google, then we'll talk.
Live TV
Maybe, just maybe. DVR please?
I really don't care about UFC so lets just say I have no opinion
Gears of War 3
Exactly what I expected, except the setting. That ship was a damn cool idea.
DO FRELLING WANT!!! Unless it does that movement thing that Star Wars Kinect is doing, then maybe hold off.
Halo Anniversary
Eh. I've got Halo for Xbox, so maybe if it's cheap and I feel like an achievement whore :D
Forza Motorsport 4
3 was cool, maybe once the price drops I'll give it a try.
Fable: The Journey
DO NOT WANT. Besides the fact that it's Fable, it's a cheap light gun game knockoff, but more complicated than it really needs to be.
Minecraft on Xbox 360
I played it, didn't like it, moved on. Won't playt this one. It needs an achievement that makes an autism joke though.
Those obvious child actors just ruined all of it.
Star Wars Kinect.
I like that it made his character off of him, don't think anyone noticed that or pointed it out. What I don't like is the on-rails movement, kinda funky collision detection and hand detection, and I'm not exactly sure where we are story wise. I'm sure it's some Pre-empire thing that nobody cares about though.
Once Upon A Monster
Nice to see Tim Schafer has his sense of humor. And the wonderful simulated family, so cute.
Kinect Labs
Actually pretty cool, especially if this tech pours over into other games.
Kinect Sports Season 2
Dance Central 2
Now I remember why I only play on Easy.
Halo 4
Ugh. Why can't you guys just let sleeping dogs lie? Make a new character, a new story, maybe something all-covenant. There was hundreds of years of expanded universe stuff you could have made a game out of, let John sleep.
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