pora99's forum posts
Award to Reckhavoc for starting his comeback with the word stupid. As well as being the first guy on level 29 to use the term "pull out your ass" as his follow up comeback.Not expected from a level 29 but i think its best reck you choose to speak English as a first language before you choose to write it.
Cough...cough...thanks for playing
Irony? in the sense that he said that halo is not unique? Incorrect, as Halo being the most succeful game in history started off as a rubbish pc beta. From there is became the game that sunk PS2. Whats ironic is the point you mention "irony" when you are all abviously Half life fans...a game which takes 3-4 years to make and never delivers much other than "mass-effect" style graphics and gameplay. So? is mas effect still unique if its a rip off of half life or is it still not unique because we compared it to halo?
Ironic ? No, Hypocritical? Yes.
Ps: I play fifa, and PES i play half life and halo and i agree that mass effect seems more like a mass marketing machine...
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