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poweroftwili Blog

The Legend of Zelda: Power of Twili

This is an idea for a game that is almost made into a complete story for a brand new Zelda game sequling Twilight Princess called The Legend Of Zelda: The Power Of Twili In this game Hyrule is attacked again a few years after the events of Twilight Princess. Hyrule and Twili are taken over. Link still has the Master sword and some of his old items. Midna comes back and still can transform Link into a wolf. Making most of the dungeons for both of Links forms to work together. A new set of dungeons in twili itself.and a mysterious new Sword. Even a new main enemy. This game will break up the zelda formula with almost 15 dungeons. I am bringing back spells, there will be a new species or two, a new small world, new gameplay functions for aiming, this game will also require wii motion plus for many gameplay functions.