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finally died in demon souls

so im in area 5-1 i think the place where you kill the leechmonger and so yea as you know there is only wooden planks to help you and if you fall down you die

so i have a winged spear 2+ right and you thrust fowrad using it so i was fighting one of the deprave one on top of the plank and i thrust him with my spear and fell down to my death

wow i died by the dumbest way= falling down to my death :x

anyway i got pissed and went and killed the leechmonger after that

leechmonger was a hard boss cause he keep renegrating his health and i dont have any magic or spells or flame stuff so i killed him the hard way using my winged spear 2+ yep i use a weak weapon to kill a health regenrating boss

it was tough and took like 10 mins and i use up alot of herbs nooooo i only got a few half and full left

anyway i finally died in demon souls

also now i got a winged spear 4+ hope that helps me with the next boss

edit: wat is the best weapon sheild and armor for 5-2 cause my waepon is hurting alot but not enugh cause it takes like 3 stabs from my spear