many games i heard and read about
also i wacthed many trailers and demo muiltiply times
cant wait to get them
MEDAL OF HONOR - like MOH since frotnline but hate the whole series after playing european assault on the ps2
watched the trailer and it looks sweet
also i may be want to pre order it to get my hands on the beta(would be my first beta ever)
also since i got battlefield 2 VIP account i would be able to play the beta earlier than everyone else:D
also i found out tdy that MOH is going to be like BFBC in the muiltplayer part
hope it has a better rank up system cause i got bored at lv30 in BFBC2 since i did everything
CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS- saw the demo ystrday and i got to say pretty sweet touch
looks pretty good and ima get it but im not going to pre order it myb sinceima just get it the day after it comes out since i may be busy playing the new MOH
Tom CLANCY FUTURE SOLDIER - looks pretty awesome
the new technoolgy and steath suits makes the game a whole lot better
i post a blog like something moths ago before it was really known about the game and i got to say cant waut
KILLZONe 3- two words
Assassin Creed brotherhood- think thats the name of the title
so it a E3 and damn looks fresh and saw the trailer looks pretty real for cutscene/trailer
also you can make a army of assassin and increase their abilities man cant wait for this game
so yea these are the games so far that i cant wait for