so on wedsnesday
i went to kmart to get assassin creed brotherhood for 40 bucks
when i got there i ask one of the workers
dude are their anymore assassin creed brotherhood for ps3
and he said yea let me check
then after a couple of mins of searching he said there was no more
i was pissed as i had to walk in the damn cold to get to kmart and get this awesome game
so i just chilled and searched alittle more
then i found it
hidden behind all teh displayed games was Assassin Creed brotherhood for ps3!!!!!!!!!!
so i got it and was like made either they hide it from me or they didnt know it was back there
anyways i played it for a long time i am on sequence 3
and i tried mulitplaer once
and the game is totally awesome
also i borrowed nba2k11 from a buddy
worst basketball game ever
too much ads
take too long to get the ball when you are free shoting or get the ball from out of bounds
now to call of duty black ops
still awesome game
im prestige lv 22
k/d ratio is 1.93
my fav gun is famas, enfield, and the l9 someinhg the sniper rifle one
i still have to play vetran mode but ill think ill try it later on