Seems a bit unconventional but interesting enough until Inferno. Very high damage no doubt, but not enough tactical defense I would think. I'm assuming you use Bola as your hate generator at longer range, then Evasive fire at close/midrange? Did you beat Inferno with this build?
pphanfx's forum posts
The gameplay, story, and music are not the true gripe most fans have about D3. It is indeed a great game. I've logged about 300 hours in and I'm always on the Diablo 3 forums researching information. From my own personal experience and from what I've read, the real gripe about the game is based on how it strongly pressures players toward the RMAH. Many of the nerfs are geared toward stifling your ability to quickly farm up gold or resources on your own. This includes heavier repair penalties for death at high level and constant patches that reduce gold income.
Once you hit level 60 and reach Act 2 through 4 in Inferno, the gear requirements are very stiff. As suggested above, there is a very harsh financial penalty for trying to progress beyond your gear level. The only way to get the gear is through farming, trade, or purchase. This can amount to hundreds of hours farming the exact same areas over and over again (certainly to be expected at some level, but should not constitute the bulk of the gameplay). Not surprisingly, the best gear is available on the RMAH, with prices reaching hundreds of dollars for a single item. As recently as two days ago, Blizz has caved in to complaints and increased drop rates slightly. But in summary, the game suffers a bit from this"pay-to-win" phenomenon that has been overtaking the industry overall.
Find a coffee shop with good connection and do your re-download and reinstall there. May cost you a few bucks, but it's worth the hassle IMO. Not every game can easily be transferred from one system to the next without the install process. You'd end up spending hours.So yea got a new laptop to play stuff on, figured out how to move Steam games with the steamapps folder and all but anyone here know how to move GOG, GMG, Origin game files to my new system ? I don't mind re-installing stuff but i don't want to re-download, my connection ain't that good besides theres atleast 10 or more games i need to move / download so any help here is appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
Ah that must be the problem! Thanks SO much. Is the power supply something can can be upgraded in the Dell? Can you recommend what power supply would be appropriate?
Thank you again!
Yeah, Corsair gamer series works great with Dell systems. If you have an additional PCI slot and are considering a possible SLI/XFire config with 2 cards, then grab a 650 to plan ahead for that. Otherwise, a 500 is easily enough for powering a HD 4670, can probably get it for as low as $25. 15 minutes to swap out, and you should be good.
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