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pr0udZuTaRiAn Blog

Remember me? Yea, probably not. WULL. IM BACK.

I've been totally neglecting, and I honestly don't know. BUT! I've decided to come back... hopefully I'm not completely out of the loop.... (actually, I am..) Can someone help meh?

WTF NEW LAYOUT. I hate, hate, hate change. WHY?! D: -- this already bothers me. TV.COM, WHY?!?!?!?!

Anyways, its time for a real blog... so here we go ^_^

Vampire Knight Guilty just got subbed like an hour ago and I watched it!! Twaz great ^_^. I love the opening song... its in my top 5 anime opening songs right now. Good, good. Though the video wasn't as filled with deep, inner meanings as the other... but maybe I will discover some hidden meanings later one :) ... the ending song is really pretty, too. BUT! We need something more then a hug between Zero and Yuuki... amirite?!!?!? Yes... yes, I am D:

Why does it say Ashley Tisdale is my favorite person? She sure as heck is not o_O -- what the madness??? Avatar is one of my favorite shows though ^^. But Lost is my most favorite... gaww... who watches Lost? Im crying because I have to wait like a freaking year (well... most of this time has been served. 3 months!!!!!!!) for the new season. Geeeez. It better be pretty freaking spectacular. Which reminds me I need to watch the new Office and new Ugly Betty..

Wull anyways... bai ^^. Write comments... :D

I was tagged!!

I love giving weird facts about myself XD

Anyways... here they are!

1.) I drink on the side of my mouth (Like, the cup is on the side... y'know. XD. My dad makes fun of me for it DX)
2.) Light from Death Note stares at me while I sleep (I have a poster XD)
3.) I cant sleep without my fan on
4.) I love string cheese
5.) I crack myself up
6.) I sunburn easily... DX
7.) My ringtone right now is "Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks" by Panic! At the Disco
8.) Im addicted to Capri Suns (But im on a Capri Sun diet)
9.) I know the whole Full House theme song by heart (DX)

I tag umm... I dont know whose already been tagged. If you havent, write in the comment and I'll tag you :D

A-Idol, the Office, SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER, Death Note movie, Prince Caspian

The Office finale... OMG...
I cried D;
I really did. OM9!
Plus, Pam is going to that school!
And I have to wait a long time for new season D;
But, tomorrow in my science cl@ss [ignore that] we are watching The Office.
So thats cool.....

What. The. Hell.
David Cook did not just win American Idol.
David Cook = NO DX;;
Oh well. I David Archuleta shall still live in my heart...~

Tomorrow is my last day of school!
I bet you are^^
I dont understand the point of the last day of school.
I mean, I get the "point" of them but whats the point in going.
Im watching movies signing yearbooks all day.
But I have to go... T_T;;

Death Note Movie.
Me and my friends went to go see the Death Note movie...
But we couldnt.
Because apparently rated R.
And im 15.
And my mother and or father would not see a Death Note movie if their lives depended on it.
So im pretty upset.

Oh. Im in friggin LOVE with Prince Caspian!!!!
The movie was good too...
But... WHOA!

WTF cant I say $hiz?

EDIT: Ok, so as some of you may know... I live in Arizona. And a couple days ago it was 106 degrees outside.
And you know what it is today?
55 degrees!!
Its insanely awesome (:
And on the first day of summer vacation!

Avatar and other stuff

Suki ish alive!!!

I just watched it BTW.

Sorry if its "old news"

"My girlfriend turned into the moon..."
"Thats rough, buddy"

Christian on Ugly Betty yesterday was... dare I say... FIERCE!!
Man, I love him xD
Also, him owning a shop on gaia?

Also, who read latest Ouran chapter?

And who's reading Kamichama Karin Chu?


I seriously love Lost D;
Why must I wait a week!!!!

On the plus side, school is almost over!!! :D

The end.

wtf?!? zomg?!?

Ok. Well, I made a blog yesterday... but I dont care. It wasnt really bloggyish o_O

Well. I started up in softball again (oh joy.).
Its our first game and we were up against a damn good pitcher.
Her pitches were so freakin fast!!
I hit a foul then struck out :P
Dont laugh at me!!
She was HARD.
The only good thing about it was that we had the best ump in the history of umpires.
I play second base if anyone cares.
I also got a freakin' sunburn because its already 90 degrees here!!
Wot?! Its only March.

Well. Last week was a Anime Fest at Atomic Comic for Saboten-Con.
I didnt win anything. But my friend Azlynn won a manga {Its called RA-I or something}
And today I went to the same Atomic Comic and bought a crapload of manga for the library {WTF? Can I not spell? Is that right?!! BLACKOUT!!}
We had like 500 bucks to spend.

When did FMA 16 come out!? I wasnt informed. I just found out today...

My friends science teacher kicked a phone and is now getting "knee surgery"
YEA RIGHT. Shes so fired.
People keep saying shes not.
But she so is.

Ok "KCA"
Wtf... seriously?
What was with Harrison Ford and Shia Lebouf?
Iss Nickelodeon stupid?
What 7 year old is gonna know who Harrison Ford is!?
And this person was like "Jerry Springer is gonna win"
Who are these people?!
Its Jerry SEINFELD, little girl.
And seriously. Whats with all the Shrek the Third?
Gimme a breakk!!!
Alicia Keys?
Miley Cyrus won best actress AND best female singer?
I want to murder myself watching these.
No. Absolute FAIL.

Has anyone every played any Sonic the Hedgehog games?
Yea well. We have one (Some battles 2 er something)
"Rollin' around at the speed of sound. Got places to go gotta follow my rainbow!" (Ring any bells?)
But its broken.
My mom was driving me to every store in the state of Arizona to find it [srsly]
*Stabs Arizona*
We didnt find one.
Have you noticed there are like no more Gamecube games?
Its lame.
Gamecube is better then the Wii.

Umm... yea O.O

I erased some of my recent blogs because I relized, im kinda an idiot in blogs O.O''

Also, I dedicate this to Sluggmunki_tx because I know for a fact hes gonna post a comment on this BLOG [rofl, I said video before xD]. Also, he was like one of my first friends on

*ish disturbed*

Anyone who plays Gaia and goes on the A/M/C would be extremely disturbed right now.
I cant even go on Gaia right now o.O
I dont feel like elaborating.


Vidya of teh day:
I thought it twaz funny.

Sorry I havnt been making blogs lately... or even posting on the forums...
Im just... lazy -_-'

Dont be angry with me.


WHOES UP-TO-DATE ON OURAN MANGA!? I just read chapter 60.
Poor, poor, Hikaru.
I srsly pity him.
Tama shall win.
Its pretty obvious...

Also, who reads Vampire Knight and whose excited about the anime coming out?!
*Raises hand* I AMMM.
Mamo is playing Zero *dies*
I wish he would've played Kaname. "Zeh-ro" is the lameness.


Im sick of picking the pieces of second guessing my reaons.
Why dont you trust me why must we do this to one another

Random singing ^^

Random news: My friend Azlynn just gotta boyfriend.


Ummm... Im secretary in Chorus now xD
Its a long story...
But to make a long story short - I ran as a joke and ended up winning.
Now I have to have this craphole job.
I srsly dont want it.


Quick question:
Is that the Ouran video game openin'?
Looks like it to me.
Damn I want that game.


Thats all Dx

Bye all D;

Ok, this is a REAL blog (I think)

Ugh. I keep getting those stupid "TOV" emails. The editor of the Hannah Montana boards is no fun.

Well. One of my best friends Breya's moving tomorrow (Did I already tell you that?) Its making me really upset. She's soawesome :cry: . I mean, we were making plans to drive to the Harry Potter theme part just me, Azlynn, and her. But she KNEW she was moving. She's known for a year and she didnt tell anyone. WTF. I found out from an email. I was at Azlynn house for a sleepover and I was checking my email (She has 5 computers O_O) and it said...

"i'm just emailing everyone to tell you that...i'm moving back home. i'll miss
you guys SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! i love you ALL and i'll email everyone and write
letters to everyone. so send me email addresses, house addresses and phone
numbers! somebody has to tell Elise, Dylann, and all my other friends i love
them and i'll miss them! give them a BIG hug for me! i love you guys!"

Who tells people they are moving like that?



For some reason, I keep listening to the song "Up" by Shania Twain, I really hate that song o.O
I guess its the song I listen to when im sad?


Ummmmmmmmmmm. Well.....for some odd reason, I've gotton really obsessed with FullMetal Alchemist. Obviously I've always loved it, but lately whenever somone says and "F" and "M" or and "A" I start to freek out.


Well, my school starts on the 13. Im so happy. I really hate summer. I have to spend my whole day at HOME (yuk). I miss PE :cry:

Okay, thats all.


Edit: I dont know if you've noticed, I got a new icon, personal icon, and signature. I couldnt stay away from the ol' Ed and Al fight. I also think that obsession with FMA had something to do with it ^_^

I dun like milk

My dads like "Okay, so what do you do on this website?" and im like "Talk about shows" and he's like "So its like a chatroom"

... -_-'