Ok. I got a new banner. Its Alphonse
Anyways... here is a random icon I saw on someone's signature I thought was funny. Its a scene from School Of Rock reenacted (sp?) by Naruto... Heehee
Well, I dont know if you people babysit, but I hate it.
Ok. Well. This woman im babysitting for is doing a body building contest so im babysitting her frickin kids for like...2 weeks so she can go "train". Psh.
So today...we (as in me and the kids) were watching Star Wars and the littlest boy went to go get some grapes...so I gave him a bowl of the...then, he just threw the bowl on the ground for no reason whatsoever... So I said "Spencer...pick it up." and he started to scream at the top of his lungs "no". So the oldest girl comes in and says (while crying) "YOU KNOW WHAT! You're not the boss of us!! I can clean this up! Who cares as long as it gets cleaned up?" and im just like..
"1- I am the boss of you and 2- Stop cleaning it up. Spencer needs to do it. " and she's just like "Didnt your mom ever tell you you are the boss of yourself and you should never listen to anyone else?" and im just thinking...'her mom acutally told her that?' ... so then I told her to stop again or I was going to tell her mom...so she starts to scream "IM 9 YEARS OLD!! I CAN BABYSIT!" and runs to her moms room and locks herself in there. So she was in there for like 2 hours. Untill finally these 2 boys that go to my school came over to ask the dad for something (who obviously wasnt there) and the oldest boy comes and says "Jess! I cant get her out of that room!" and the boys are like "Wha? Get who out of where?" so I tell them and they help me pick the lock and get her out.
So she got in trouble for disrespecting me...
anyways. Babysitting freakin sucks.