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Remember me? Yea, probably not. WULL. IM BACK.

I've been totally neglecting, and I honestly don't know. BUT! I've decided to come back... hopefully I'm not completely out of the loop.... (actually, I am..) Can someone help meh?

WTF NEW LAYOUT. I hate, hate, hate change. WHY?! D: -- this already bothers me. TV.COM, WHY?!?!?!?!

Anyways, its time for a real blog... so here we go ^_^

Vampire Knight Guilty just got subbed like an hour ago and I watched it!! Twaz great ^_^. I love the opening song... its in my top 5 anime opening songs right now. Good, good. Though the video wasn't as filled with deep, inner meanings as the other... but maybe I will discover some hidden meanings later one :) ... the ending song is really pretty, too. BUT! We need something more then a hug between Zero and Yuuki... amirite?!!?!? Yes... yes, I am D:

Why does it say Ashley Tisdale is my favorite person? She sure as heck is not o_O -- what the madness??? Avatar is one of my favorite shows though ^^. But Lost is my most favorite... gaww... who watches Lost? Im crying because I have to wait like a freaking year (well... most of this time has been served. 3 months!!!!!!!) for the new season. Geeeez. It better be pretty freaking spectacular. Which reminds me I need to watch the new Office and new Ugly Betty..

Wull anyways... bai ^^. Write comments... :D