I'v been waiting to get this game for almost two years now, ever since I heared it was in makes. Three days ago I finaly got it. Its a great game no dout about that, but is it really the best Zelda game out there? To some people it is because its the newest one out; even if it is newer I think Ocarina Of Time is better then Twilight Princess just because Ocarina of Time was a perfect game when it first came out in 1998, but Twlight Princess isn't perfect for its time. Don't get me wrong its a SUPERB game, but its not my favorite.
Heres my review on Twilight Princess.
Gameplay: 10 : Twilight Princess has perfect gameplay just like all the other Zelda games out there.
Sound: 8 : This is where Twilight Princess let me down. It has great music, but theres a few Ocarina of Time sound bits it there. The sound isn't mindblowing, but its not completely bad either.
Graphics: 9 : Its a pretty game. I love the how they made everything look. It sure beats Windwakers graphics, thats for sure.
Replay value: 9 : Some much to do, so much to see. You can play though this game at least a couple times without getting some what bored of it.
Tilt: 9 : Overall, Twilight Princess is a SUPERB game. I just wished it could of been better than Ocarina of Time, but you can't always get perfection.
All in all, Twilight Pricesss is a awesome game. I give twilight Princess a 9.5 out of 10.