Due to lack of things to do and this daunting feeling not to move from my computer. I have decided to share with you my favorite machinima series and companies.
1) Rooster Teeth- This is an obvious choose for my list. I have been watching them since they were mirrored on Heavy.com
Red vs Blue
The Strangerhood
2) Edgeworks- admittedly i started watching there work late in the series of the Codex.
The Codex
The Heretic
The Forsaken
3) Halo Chronicles- These people came up with Tales of the First Ring. It may not be the flashiest machinima it has great story and characters.
Halo CE Chronicles
4)Hollywood Halo- This is a clan in the Halo community totally dedicated to machinama, and thus they have no real series to speak of only movies, that are released in episodes.
This remids me the one year anniversary of the death of ThatWeasle is in febuary (he was a big figure head in the halo and machinama univese). He ran the the Rockets on Prisoners Machinima Awards. I forget the exact day so any time in febuary please give a moment of silece. Thats all I have to say.
I guess I should get up and move arond now, but that seems to much like work, well goodbye.
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