ps3 fanboys are just the way they are becauce deep down inside the know they want a x360 hehehe i love this threads, cmon GT5 5 years in development and still forza 3 looks and playu better just saying
hey guys, you know whats funny just to think of it makes me laugh anyway what i can understan is why ps3 fanboys allways say x360 wont be able 2 run a game like killzone 1,2,3 ect.... but i have something to shaRE with all of you if u look at the link i will post at the end of my post u will see the truth and then you tell me if the x360 would be able to run killzone 2, first off gears of war is still one of the best looking games out there but its obvious that the ps3 fanboys will disagree i have not seen on ps3 game with the level of detail gears series has, and what about halo reach wow it has some awsome detail and to hear the game doesnt even look good is insulting to the developer Reach is a masterpeace im not saying ps3 doesnt have good graphics all thant im saying is they honestly have no game that compares to the detail in halo reach or gears 1,2 if you want to see real texturing take a look at that 2 games, yeah the ps3 has blu-ray but we have xbox live streaming movies from it is just as good maybe even better . visit link
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