A deep question that has been pending on my mind for some time now. When you come in contact with a lot of other "gamers" you are always bound to meet people who have a different opinion or different values when it comes to gaming. We always tell each other to respect other peoples opinions but when they start ranting and raving about a game or a review without even trying to support their statement with useful comments that just ticks me of. I can start calling you names for an hour without stopping, but I don't think that will make much of an impact on other people.
There has been a lot of uproar regarding reviews lately. People seem to forget that a review is a personal opinion and not a broadcast towards the entire gaming community with the message: "You will respect my authority (or authoritaaah!)". I think it's kinda lame, when you give a game a score that people like they don't give a damn. But when you give a highly anticipated title a rather low score, you get an entire community of juvenile nitwits breathing down your neck. Look at what happened to Ivan Sulic. A whole bunch of dumbasses giving comments on a review about a game that they haven't even played or given it a divine status, worshopping this celestial entity based on a bunch of rubbish or a demo. If it's a highly anticipated game on a console they don't own or don't like (==> based on childish prejudices and the lame attitude that they don't even want to get to know the product) they're laughing their arses of.
What's wrong with people these days? Videogames are videogames, it doesn't matter how large the hype is or on which console a game appears. Why can't it just be about the games themselves? There are a lot of titles that can't live up to their expectations and a lot of other titles that are worth it, are being pushed aside by titles that have a larger publisher guarding it's back. People are starting to expect that hyped games have to get great scores. What's the point in reviewing then? If the community sets the score for a game, without even fully knowing what they are talking about? It's this lack of respect that really gets on my nerves. I don't always agree with reviews myself but at least I always try to give usefull comments and examples to support my point of view. Let alone stand that I would give my final opinion without at least giving the full a game a proper test drive.
It's really funny to hear that every site sucks because the game of the community's dreams can't live up to the expectations of the people who review it. From hero to zero in just one article. Nice touch. But heck, they might think that they can do a better job reviewing games, but the real fact is that they don't even have a clue what they are talking about.
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