- prince__vlad’s Activity
They got a 4 in gamespot and they have the nerve to ask 60-70 USD for it. LOL What a bunch of morons. Nice going greedy French!
I'm sick of keanu reeves and his poor acting. Didn't anyone tell him that he is a bad actor ?
Who are these two goofies ? I hate goofies.
Today's problem is in ALL games. Publishers are the cause for all the bads. They are just plain greedy (and stupid as well). They don't care a game is not ready etc, they want it out even it is half-b...
I bought a few days ago the game , being just 6 euros and I regret, it doesn't even worth less than that. I bought it to play the campaign (I like playing alone, I hate today stupid multiplayer with ...
I liked it, it's different than the other two. Last level was a traumatizing journey. The end is good and realistic, not like other shitgames where the hero lives even if he received 1000 RADS. Games ...
NOBODY gives a FUUCK about this shit game, especially because is a MMO. If I were you I would quit this shit game and start the real business: MASS EFFECT 4, WITH commander SHEPARD in IT. Got that ? W...
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