Games I Own

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Profileap600's Score

World of Goo


Trials HD


Trials 2: Second Edition

-- --

Team Fortress Classic

-- --

Team Fortress 2


Saints Row 2


Race Driver: GRID


Plants vs. Zombies


Perfect Dark Zero


Overlord II


Monster Jam

-- --

Midnight Club II




Halo: Combat Evolved


Halo 3


Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

-- --

Half-Life 2: Episode One


Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

-- --

Half-Life 2




Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned


Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony


Grand Theft Auto IV


Grand Theft Auto IV


Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved


Forza Motorsport 3


Forza Motorsport 2


Forza Motorsport


Fallout 3


Fable II




Dead Space




Crazy Machines II

-- --

Counter-Strike: Source

-- --

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box






Battlefield 2
