@xiaoyangguang Your reply is filled with nothing but presumptions. The presumption that I feel pity for female gamers (when, in fact, I think they can hold their own plenty against you sexist lot), the presumption that violent video games are an exclusively male pass-time, and the presumption that women trying carve out a spot in this industry will drastically homogenize the play experience.
I think you are, perhaps, reality-confused if you think gender is a binary, innate, and concrete fact of life. Women are not born into hair styling and "barbie games." Moreover, the more society tries to forcefully shove these ideologies down the throats of individuals with unique identities living in a polysemic world, the more frequently essentializing and two-dimensional assholes like you are going to spring up everywhere.
Sorry if life doesn't fit into neat boxes. I know--it can be difficult to cope with.
@erMonezza @Chris_Perine You clearly don't know a lot about game development if you think this is the case. DLC is mapped out well ahead of time to keep the development team on-track and to make sure that DLC works seamlessly within the world. I think one of the earliest examples of poorly planned DLC is with the original Mass Effect game. It was clunky, lacked an identity, came out far too late, and nobody knew about it.
When the writing team finishes well before everyone else, what do you think they do? Sit around and twiddle their thumbs? They've written the game--there's nothing left for them to do other than moving onto other projects. I think this overly cynical approach to DLC is tired and dated. Judge a product based on what 'is' offered, not what 'is not.'
@Gantrathor I think the focus on killing monsters, collecting their parts, and turning them into gear is pretty darn unique--and sort of the driving force behind the progression.
@Vividnightmare I 'hated' TERA by the end of the tutorial. Forced myself to play through the first zone and got to the main city before giving up--seething hatred in tact. I happen to think RaiderZ is pretty cool if you like that sort of game. So, I'll go ahead and say that the two games are fairly different and that I'd personally recommend RaiderZ over TERA any day.
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