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prototpe15 Blog

Getting Dante's Inferno

Dante's inferno is a game based on the poem "The Divine Comedy" which is my favorite poem. The story is about a guy in the early 1300's who finds out his true love was murdered and goes into the 9 circles of hell to save her. This poem is the reason why we think hell has 9 circles for the condemned and the damned. I have read and translated the poem several times. The first is limbo which is the nicest circle in hell and judges the souls to see what circle each soul goes into. The second is lust. People think lust is sexual but it can be more than that. The third is gluttony which has many definitions. The fourth is greed which in my opinion is the worst crime a person can commit. The fifth is anger which is pretty obvious. The sixth is heresy. Heresy is like speaking against god. Its a very bad crime and people suffer hard for this. the seventh is violence which is probably the most gruesome circle in hell. the eighth is fraud. Fraud is very hard to explain. And finally the last is treachery. This is the circle in where lucifer lives.

I am a dad!!!!!

My son was born on November 21 even though that was a little while ago I dont get on here that much anymore. and i forgot to say Happy Holidays and Happy New Years!!!!

No longer on xbox live

My xbox broke and now i have i ps3. So if u want to chill with me on PSN my name is prototype135. But if u have me on your xbox live account dont delete me. Cause i might get another Xbox.

God of war 3

i officially got the god of war collection the day it came out and i was blown away with the new God of war 3 demo. It was the best demo i have ever played. And nowin about 2 months God of war 3 hits shelves exclusively for the PS3. They have an awesome ultimate edition version of the game and thats what im getting.

Getting Gears of War 2!!!!

Yo people of course you know its been a while since I have posted a blog on here I have been going through a lot. And to keep all of you updated with my grandfather his funeral was 5 days after his death. And my brother left on a 2-year trip to Germany with his girlfriend. But I am doing much better. I am doing much better is because I am getting Gears Of War 2 Limited Edition the day it comes out. OH YEAH!!!!! I have been waiting a really long time for GOW2 but also after I get that I am trying to get Fable 2 and probably Fallout 3 when they come out. Tell me what games you are looking forward to buying in the near or far future.

R.I.P Earl Holmes Waldrop

People all of you remember the blog I posted about my grandpa and I have some bad news about him. My grandpa was supposed to get out of the hospitalon Friday August 22 but he didnt. The day he was supposed to get out at 6 am on Friday, he began seizing up and the doctor said he might die from it. But a doctor was able to save his life by putting him on life support. And the doctor told us that if he could stay on life support for about 2 more weeks, he would be able to go home like he wanted to. but my damn **** aunt had the option to either let him live or turn off the mahine. And should and the rest of my **** family agreed to turn it off. Me and my brother, my sister and my parents tryed to convince them to let him live. But on Saturday August 23, 2008 they turned the respirator off at 3:00p.m. And he died at 3:54p.m. And he left me and my family were supposed to get about $20,000 from him. But my aunt wont write u s a check and damn is it pissing me off. She wont even get a copy of the will. Only because we hate her. So all of you tell me what I should do. And tell me what you think about all of this.

My grandpa is Dying

People my grandpa is dying. I found out today. My grandpas name is Earl Waldrop and he is 79. And he is an amazing man.But he is dying.The doctor said that they found a mask in his colon. And they think it might be Colon Cancer. And they said they found a problem with his gull blatter and they are going to need to cut it out. But he may have cancer. I just cant believe this right now. I mean I spent a lot of time with him and he was always my favorite grandfather. He served in Bermuda and Vietnam. And he is the one that always took me shooting. And now he is probably going to leave. But the thing I am woried about is him suffering this. He was an amazing man. But he already was pretty sick but that never stopped him from doing what he loved. I remember a few days ago, he rode with my mom on his harley davidson and he got heat stroke. He went to the hospital And he told the doctors that he wasnt staying. They asked him nicely to participate because he needed a small surgery done. But after a while, he just took out his IVs and went home. He was always great with people and he had many friends. I met a lot of them and man they are great shooters. But my grandpa always was very wise. Everytime I went over there he always asked who I was rooting for in the Presidental election. I am rooting for Obama. But he didnt really like Obama. He liked Mccain because he was a former POW and in the military. But I didnt really like Mccain. But people I could really use some support right now so please help me out. And it will make me feel so much better.

New Batman Game

Yeah people I heard about a new Batman game coming out. It is based on the Insane Asylum Arkham Asylum. I dont know much about it I just heard about it today. And I am looking forward to it. Batman is a great character to put in a video game. And I am glad to see that he is coming back to the console.

Starcraft II

Everybody knows what Starcraft is. It is an amazing PC game that came out 10 years ago. People have been waiting anxiously for them to make another one. And they finally are! In 1998 they released Starcraft and it sold very quickly.In 1999 they released the Brood War expansion Pack. And now finaly a decade later they are coming out with Starcaft II. For those of you who dont know what Starcraft is, let me expain it to you real quick. BUY THE **** GAME!!!!And play it till your fingers fall off!!Because if you dont and you tell people that you havent played it, you are gonna wind up with a feeding tube stuck down your throat. lol im just messin with ya. actually I dont kow what will happen. So just go out and buy the game.


Hey people check out some cool images I posted on here. they are cool. check them out and comment them.
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