I cant believe it I just did a little parking job at my school and Im getting £10 for it (£10 for 1 and a half hour's work :D) and now Ive just found out my 42 all time classics cartridge some how broke and yes I mean broke there's a big crack rite through the center *sigh* and it definetly does'nt work. I actualy would like to replace it but for starters as its still retailing at £20 at most places it means im going £10 up and £20 down so I end up loosing £10. The other reason is I already have alot of ds games I need to replace which got lost at an airport (I think Ive mentioned that in a previouse blog). Why do my handheld's hate me :(. I mean I play them all the time and I take good care of them so why do they do this to me :x. But seriousley Its just taking the piss now.
Anyways on to the title topic. On July 2nd its my birthday. The period up to my birthday is always a bit of a crappy one. Somewhere along the line I started getting depressed when it got close to my birthday (but im not thinking about it so much this year so not too bad). I mean its weird when I was little I would get so excited I would be unable to sleep and I would actualy get properly ill from being over excited (I actualy had to stay home from school many a times). When it comes to the more material side of my birthday well I usually get some money from distant relatives (which of any I get this year is actualy going towards another persons present XD) and if im pacific one main present from my parents (After that bird watching kit I sure would'nt trust them to decide... I know I know its the thought that counts but even so what part of bird watching did they THINK I would enjoy) and about 2 or 3 random presents from other people. This year that big present was suppose to be a TV finally after all the waiting I would be able to play on my console's in my room. But they changed there minds again. My dad was ok with it but my mum decided that I should'nt have one yet and decided just maybe,possibly after september If she was happy with my school work they would let me have one in my room. I did'nt mind if they did'nt get me the tv I would have saved up and got 1 but to not even give me the permission to get one with my own money and to delay it again just seems so aggravating.
That may seem just like some whiny teenager going on a rant. But please bear in mind that there probably is a constructive reason why Im depressed around my birthday but I just dont know whybut thats not some attempt at being an emo attention whore I just needed to get that of my back. Also bear in mind that Ive been asking for a TV in my room for years now and they said this would be the year.