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Game Violence

People who commit violent acts or break the law has nothing to do with games, movies or activites you participate in.  Violence is caused by unstable people and no matter what they do or what their exposed too, their actions can't be blamed on anyone but themselves.

If I decided to go around town and takle people giving them concusions because I watch NFL Football,  Should we ban football?

If I decided to hit a co-worker in the head with a Sledge Hammer because I saw it in Bugs Bunny or Tom & Jerry Cartoon, Should we ban Cartoons?

If I decided to shoot a bunch of people because I saw a Violent movie, should we ban movies?

The answer to all of these questions is obviously NO!

People need to quit pointing fingers at others when justifing their own actions.  You have to decide to do something illegal or dangerous, nothing else makes you do it.  If Jack Thompson was correct, this forum and website will be filled with Serial Killers, Murderes, Robbers and Violent people.  Is this true?   NO!

The guy is an idiot and the people who don't have enough sense to understand why, or sad examples of people who just follow along with the latest and greatest protest on why we are all bad.

Game Pirates

Why do some Gamer's destroy the very industry they enjoy so much?

This is not an easy question, but the truth is many of these gamer's don't realize what impact they have when they Pirate Games.

So many companies are having financial trouble in the gaming industry.  Some are acquired by other larger companies, some just go bankrupt and disappear.

Stealing games by using Pirated Games destroys the industry we all love so much.  How do we expect companies to pour millions of dollars into some innovated experience we all crave for, when half the copies used are Pirated. 

The companies make no profit for all the hard work and dedication it took to make the game.

This is slowly destroying the Gaming Industry or at least hurts it really bad.  The console gamer's are into it now as much as the PC gamers.  Pirated games and hacked systems are all over the internet and are destroying this industry.

If you love games, PAY FOR THEM.  Give the developers a reason to make another game.  Allow them to profit and succeed in making the games we love to play and they will continue to create them.  This gives the financial ability to get creative and put more money on the line when creating a new experience or another great franchise we can all enjoy.

Many gamer's, especially young gamer's with limited funds don't realize the impact they have when they do this.  They complain that not enough innovation is taking place in the gaming sector and they have stacks of Pirated games in their rooms.  Wake up and realize what you are doing. 

Don't think for one minute that you won't make an impact if you Pirate a game.  When millions of gamer's think that way.  Billions are lost that could have been put back into the companies that give us the gaming experience we all love.

Be a Gamer, Pay for your games.


Fan Boys and Girls

Why do we have Fan Boys? 

Gamers should love games.  Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo pay none of us for loyalty.  Gamers love games and should be loyal to the gaming experience.  The system that gives you the experience you are looking for is of little importance.

I love Sony product and will be getting a PS3.  This does not mean that the 360 or Revolution are bad.  If they make games for each of the systems that I would really enjoy.  I may consider getting more than one system.  The reason I choose Sony is because they make the type of games I like and I usually only buy one system to satisfy my gaming needs.  I also have a gaming PC.

I wish the Fan Boys and Girls would grow up and become Gamers instead.  The competition between the 3 companies is what makes the systems improve with time.  If we had no competition, we would be playing crappy games on a weak system.