People who commit violent acts or break the law has nothing to do with games, movies or activites you participate in. Violence is caused by unstable people and no matter what they do or what their exposed too, their actions can't be blamed on anyone but themselves.
If I decided to go around town and takle people giving them concusions because I watch NFL Football, Should we ban football?
If I decided to hit a co-worker in the head with a Sledge Hammer because I saw it in Bugs Bunny or Tom & Jerry Cartoon, Should we ban Cartoons?
If I decided to shoot a bunch of people because I saw a Violent movie, should we ban movies?
The answer to all of these questions is obviously NO!
People need to quit pointing fingers at others when justifing their own actions. You have to decide to do something illegal or dangerous, nothing else makes you do it. If Jack Thompson was correct, this forum and website will be filled with Serial Killers, Murderes, Robbers and Violent people. Is this true? NO!
The guy is an idiot and the people who don't have enough sense to understand why, or sad examples of people who just follow along with the latest and greatest protest on why we are all bad.
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