When is GS going to review this game? Why are they always so slow? Do they enjoy being the laughing stock of the big gaming sites? :|
ps2owns' forum posts
How are you gonna watch both those vids, then come back and say NO game can even match crysis lighting or textures?
Like really? UC2 textures are easily on par with Crysis, especially when comparing these 2 videos.
Same goes for lighting.
As for scale, well obviously, they're completely different games. But again.. you CANNOT say that NO game even MATCHES Crysis' scale. Because first of all, ARMA 2 has a bigger scale than crysis. And I guarantee you, the scale in God of War 3 is going to be insanely epic.
Those U2 pics are bullshots. Then again, so are the high end Crysis shots from a realistic PoV.
Honestly, I'd say Crysis does'nt win in all departments.
those arent bullshots. taken straight from the MP beta.
What does crysis look like on the typical PC?
Straight Garbage.
What does it look like on high settings?
You're fooling yourself if you think that looks a "GEN ahead" of this:
$299 vs $500 MINIMUM
Crysis is not a "full gen ahead" like you hermits believe it is. Fact is, Crysis and UC2 are pretty even.
It hurts, I know, but it is what it is BRUH.
BTW half of these Uncharted pics are from Multiplayer.
And btw Uncharted 2 NEVER EVER drops below 30 FPS, depending on your rig Crysis will be lucky to even reach 30FPS.
And to really prove my point: Click this link and, scroll and watch the second video on this page. If you think that doesnt look as good as Crysis on high, you're straight up lying to yourself.
Straight Garbage.
What does it look like on high settings?
You're fooling yourself if you think that looks a "GEN ahead" of this:
$299 vs $500 MINIMUM
Crysis is not a "full gen ahead" like you hermits believe it is. Fact is, Crysis and UC2 are pretty even.
It hurts, I know, but it is what it is BRUH.
BTW half of these Uncharted pics are from Multiplayer.
And btw Uncharted 2 NEVER EVER drops below 30 FPS, depending on your rig Crysis will be lucky to even reach 30FPS.
And to really prove my point: Click this link and, scroll and watch the second video on this page. If you think that doesnt look as good as Crysis on high, you're straight up lying to yourself.
Every console has its share of good games. But the Wii has way more garbage games as well.
You cant only own a wii and legitimately say you're a real gamer.
Anyone who own's any platform can be called a gamer.
If you own an iPhone/iPod Touch and play games, you are a gamer. If you own a Wii - you are a gamer. If you own a PS3 or a 360 or a PC, well, you know the rest.
I didnt say "gamer" I said "real gamer".
You miss out on so mny 3rd party games this gen its not even funny.
Here are some GC games:
Zelda Windwaker
Zelda TP
Super Mario Sunshine
Metroid Prime 1 and2
Paper Mario Thousand Year Door
Resi 4
Where are the wii games?
why cant we mention SMG? oh yeah because it would ruin your argument
How about I already acknowledged the fact that SMG looks better and I'm asking what ELSE looks better?
Other than SMG and (maybe) MP3?
The fact that this will even be a debate just goes to show that Wii is truly a joke.
Fake box, its not coming to the Wii.
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