I know my name says ps3 Jim (because i had the ps3 b4 i got the 360) but I'm not biased to either console. I got my 360 last Christmas and have played all the major exclusives to 360 i.e. Gears of war, saints row, halo 3 etc and have finished them. With the ps3 coming out with games like mgs4 (AWESOME), killzone 2, resistance 2, socom, the getaway and other games I really cant think of any up and coming 360 exclusives a part from gears 2 (looks awesome). Am I missing out any games by accident?
The game is QUALITY but v.hard :x i got a mic and my ps ID is jim_007_uk i mainly play vegas but sometimes play COD3 ,resistance and motorstorm add me :D
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