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mag reveiw

Anyone is always welcomed to read and please feel free to tell your Friends especially GameSpot Editors. Because i wasted allot of mygaming time to write this. (If my Englishteacher could only see my Now). And Ya know Id like more than one or 2 comments. Im not saying make me an Advertisement just ya know.....

MAG Boxshot

MAG is a Very Interesting Game. its set a few years into the future andright off the bat it make you give your allegiance to an unknown PMC (Private Military Company) Without so much as a Video giving you a look at what your about to get in to. It is only a Beta but that's the whole point i want to decide now so i can make my final decision on January 26. It does give a paragraph explaining some little detailsthat aer confusing with a 5 photo slide show. Also there the thing that you can play with Friends of a Different PMC. Which is actually good cause they stick with the Loyalty thing.

MAG PMCsyou are forced to choose on of the 3 Above.

Valor:A PMC of American, British, and Mexican Army Veterans. You have all thestandered ModernWeaponry.These guys are basiclylike theMW2 PMC.

Raven:Who seen to be the popular chose especially for *Cough* *Cough* "Younger" Gamers.... Raven is were the future opart comes in. They're European Soldiers fresh out of traing camps with all the latest gear and they look sweet.

S.V.E.R.:Which stands for something, They currently have the least amount of members. Why? Well Right off the bat the Sipper Team tells you there the newest and least advanced PMC of the 3.Full ofCriminals, Russians, Chines and Everyone else who hate America! But they gut Hockey masks and AKs!

Now all this is cool and you say I want to try out all of them But Your gona Get sock with an "Early termination fee" You got to Delete your other character making Loyalty a big part of this game. Well you say that's not so Bad but You get all this help full stuff wen you rank up and if puts you farther away from Getting a Squad leader role or playing with 256 players.

I Pick to play as a Raven cause like everyone else I thought they Look BadAss and have sweet gear well thats not all true. Yes you look sweeter than any other PMC but the Weapons are Pretty weak. The Assault Rifle has a small clip and trying to reload will get you killed.The Machine gun is ok but you need a Halo Sight it you wan to actually hit a guy which causes another problem the Halo Sight is Weird... They try to make it futuristic and stuffbut it look bad but it get the job done. And the Sniper Rifle is just an Assault Rifle with a scope. Now these all are Basic weapons and you more ass you get Skill point by leveling up.After playing as Raven for and still not reaching Level 10(mostly because of playing time) so I can play a 256 match im probably going to switch over to S.V.E.R. because they sill look Cool with the Hockey masks, The Ak, and Valor's too much like MW2. I might switch to Valor to see how it is before the Beta Ends but If I like S.V.E.R. and I can get my friend to go along with me Im might Stick with them for the Full Game (Which is still in Question but its really a good game).

Nowlets get to the good Stuff...GamePlay & StuffNow a Problem everyone including me has been having is Connection. This Is a Big Buying Breaker. Some Have Problems getting onto the Server, others finding games, and I Keep getting kicked from games. It seem like if the Server thinks your gona cause lag by having a "Bad Connection" it kicks you. Now Some time you wont get kicked for awhile the game will just freeze or lag while your trying to re spawn. This could be a reason not to buy the game if it is like this in Full Disc Version. If you can get on get a game and not get kicked, Which isnt that Hard You can usually just sign back in aget a gamewithout any problems but some people have more problems then me.

The Gameplay is Great. You feel like your in a War. Even thoughtthere'sonly 60 Playersin the basic gameplay modeyou feel like your in a war with a your friendly squad battle right next to yours. You can only see the PSN Names of your squad making it feel like you and your squad really know each other. Resistance 2 had a squad thing similar to this but this time you fight along other squads.

Shooting and Aiming are the basic with the L1 & R1 but your gona have to get use the layout. You see In Stead of the Basic FPS Controls You got an inventory that you cycle through. One for your Weapons(only 2) and another for your Inventory is up to 3 but if you choose to use grenades they give 2 grenades so if you throw on to get to your next item another pops up. I choose to have no grenades on some of my ****s or a just grenades along with my med kitbecause if you have a money limit on ****s and the cycling thing. I Usally put a Med Kit First you can upgrade its and if you have in equipped a Med Icon appears next to your name showing teammates you can heal them and if upgraded revive them. Overall I hope they can add an option to createyuor ownButton Layout but you get use to it.And Lastly the Graphics. Making good graphics for 256 player battles isnt easy. Thought to tell you the truth i have never played 256 because you have to be a level 10 but Im hoping all the Graphics and Connection things carry over from 60 to 256. Im Pretty sure the Graphics will carry over its the Connection i want to test out.

Well anyway The Graphics are Good. Really Good for this game. Me and my Friend were saying how the graphic looked like crap in the trailers but they look veryimproved in the Beta. Character Models look the best as in most game and themapslook pretty good. While lacking detail i most areas every thing looks good. Ive never Glitch oncedor anything. So its no KillZone 2 or R2 but its pretty cool.

So overally this game is Good. Its a game I might get No matter that the GameSpot score is.I really want to get it day one and you know how GS is about early Reviews(Sarcasm).I just Hope GS or IGN Will have any early review before i wast $60 on a game that could be worst then the Beta. Believe it or not some people still care about there opion on a Game and GS hardly give early thoughts especially on PS3 Exclusives.So MAG, Play the Beta is free like PSN and its looks like a game that will be a reason to own a PS3.