I forgot I still had this thing. Its been a loooooonnnggg time since I logged on and I probably never will after this blog post. Anyways if you would like to delete me go for it I really could care less. BTW I love you all
ps3isdasht Blog
Gears of War 2
by ps3isdasht on Comments
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO finally the game has arrived and my friend picked it up on day one and i have a 5 day weekend sweet right.... I started playing the story and i got to chapter 3 because we had stuff to do then when i got back and went to his house he was on chp 4 and 5 so i finsihed the game with him....then i took in what i just played and the story and the first thing that pissed me off was ... The last boss holy crap you blink and its over and you dont do anything you just fly and shot for about 10 seconds and it dies WTF and then the ending came so i was all pumped(spoiler) and it just showed jaciento sinking and them flying away in helicopters WOO WHOOPIE no it suxed....... then after the credits it showed Marcus's dad all like ohhh what have you done ......wow gay also compared to the first the seconds story was a little weak to me and the bosses were AWESOME... but way to easy to kill and they went with the old school hit it three times and it dies......The guns were fantastic and so were the levels but Doms romance was definently not needed because she was dead anyways...well slightly.........but tai and dizzy and skorge and the queen with brumaks(not sure how to spell it) and all the new boomers was gratefully accepted plus HORDE IS FUN AS HELL WITH ALOT OF PEOPLE........im always dizzy cuz hes a BAMF.......... OVERALL THIS GAME WAS FANTASTIC AND DESERVES A 9.8 OUTTA TEN
and forgot to include the lag is almost never there =) THANK GOD
now i must work on getting Resistance 2 once i get my ps3 back because i got in trouble and i got taken away
Dead Space
by ps3isdasht on Comments
Can you say: NOT SCARY AT ALLL ........................this game was extremely well written. the story line was extremely deep and very compelling .... the graphics were great and cutting off the limbs was even better =)......all in all THIS GAME WAS FANTASTIC!!! loved it i couldnt stop playing and im now in my second playthrough but its not scary so that bummed me out i would give this game a 9 outta 10
P.S the story levels are extremmmmeeelllllyyyyy long when your in your first playthrough
by ps3isdasht on Comments
ya i know it has been a LONGGG time since i was on or done anything lately.................. i know i promised to say my favorite games from the summer which was hands down battlefield bad company online kicks ass...........anyways im definently looking forward to this christmas im gunna get so many games for my ps3 (resistance 2, LBP, guitar hero 4, motorstorm pacific rift,but not all at the same time) im really pumped for LBP cuz that games just going to kick ass and im going to make the most death trapped levels known to man =).
First topic:Resistance 2
This is one of the greatest games......... and in my opinion i believe better than gears of war 2...YES the first one was FANTASICLLLY GREAT i loved it and i did think it was better than resistance 1 but this year i changed my mind because gears is almost exactly the same as the first just a little new features and bigger battles yahdayahdayahda resistance has completely changed 2 campaigns bigger more bad ass bosses 8 player co op very deep story line and 60 player online matches gears barely supports 5 on 5. So im all resistance this year.
Next topic: Little Big Planet
Ahhh yess the cute little sackboy of destruction....you can create you own worlds/levels and basically go on a killing spree with traps one thing i want to know is ... is there a campain where there are already created levels that you have to complete if so please let me know.....Also the ability to smack people to there death is great because im going to be slapping so many people =) this is a game of the year candidate because of the new and innovative gameplay which nobody has seen PLUS endless creations which will make this a historic game.
Final Topic:Fanboys
Why must everybody argue over wat system is better....i personally dont like the wii and im not getting into detail but over xbox and ps3 there is seriously not that big of a difference between both expect no offense some xbox fanboys can be serious whiny b****** and ps3 people can but not as much ........... also the fact that they brag on how the have more" exclusives" half of there games are on the computer or ps3 making them NOT exclusive even gears of war isnt exclusive because im pretty sure it is on the computer. Now sony fanboys need to stop saying OHHHH PS2 WAS THE BEST AND NOW PS3 WILL BE ..... STOP LOOKING AT THE PAST......yess ps3 is gettnig more sales but it is still NOT WINNING well acually niether is wii is way far ahead.......and yes psn is not asss great as xbox but there are almost exactly the same just ps3 gets better connection and there arnt as many little whiny kids saying the OWN cuz there just annoying..........
Well thats what i have to say for now ill try to get on more but im occupied with school and ect.........
o and hit me up on xbox or psn
PSN- rockinbuckeyefan......im usually on call of duty
Xbox-OsUfAn2891...... varity of games mainly shadowrun though
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