So today after work i wanted to stop in at my local gamestop and pick up Dishonored and Far Cry 3 for XBox 360. I have never had a quick trip in and out of gamestop mainly because even if i know exactly what im getting, i still look over the 360 and PS3 game walls. Anyways i can not help but notice every time i am in that particular gamestop the majority of the staff are **** They almost come across like they are better in someway than every other gamer that comes in there. Now i am not saying this is the case at every gamestop but the stores around me need to get there **** together. Even the general customer service has fallen below an unacceptable level. Anyway back to what happen today. As i am walking around the store i can not help but over hear a mother and her two younger kids (1 boy and 1 girl) and apparently they have been really good or something like that because she is rewarding each of them with a game of their choice as long as it is not rated M. So the kids are going back and fourth trying to pick out their games and i could hear how excited they were. At one point the mother approaches the employees and asks for a little help to decide which title was right for her kids and she is just basically blown off. It was like they were too damn busy to even give an opinion about a game. YET their were no phones ringing and us four were the only ones in the store. So to make a long story straight i spent about 45 minutes of my time helping this woman. Explaining what kind of games would be ideal for their age level and my own personal opinion etc. Afterwards the woman thanked me and said she would never come back to gamestop again. Unfortunately in my area and a lot of other areas Gamestop is king but if stuff like this continues you will not be king for long. I understand you are a business and in any business the rule is to profit but do not ever neglect or forget about the people that work their as*** off and come in your stores and spend that hard earned money. At the end of the day the majority of us are gamers and with everything going on in the industry and our own government trying to tell us what we can play and regulate the content in them games we all need to stick together.....
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