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So Long Ago!!!!!

So i just recently started getting back on gamespot again after a long absence. I have been so busy with my work gaming had to take a backseat. 2012 has been a great year wait i take that back it has been an incredible year for me. I finally started my own business back in January and its been balls to wall ever since. Anyways i logged back into my account and i was looking over my profile and i see that my last blog was on the Modern Warfare 2 DLC and boy was that a long time ago. I never stopped playing completely and i did finish a couple great titles such as Elder Scrolls Skyrim, Prototype 2, Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning, Dead Island, Gears of War 3, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Batman Arkham City, Star Wars The Old Republic and Saints Row The Third. I am gonna start working on putting up some reviews for these games very soon.

I was so busy i missed E3 this year so i missed the up-coming releases. I gotta say that the end of the year is my favorite time. All of my new game releases are coming out and there are AAA titles aplenty but this year feels kind of bland to me. Last year i had 7 titles drop within the last 3 months of the year and this year only 2 titles. I just picked up Assassins Creed 3 and Halo 4. Don't get me wrong both of them are stellar titles but i was left wanting for more. I definitely want to pick up Borderlands 2, Dishonored, Far Cry 3, Hitman Absolution and Black Ops 2. Even with all of them titles none of them stood out as "i have got to play that one" and more as "i would not mind playing that one".

So Lastly i will leave you with some of my favorite, can not miss up-coming titles.

1. Aliens Colonial Marines

2. Bioshock Infinite

3. Dead Space 3

4. Gears of War Judgment

5. Dead Island Riptide

6. Rainbow 6 Patriots

7. Star Wars 1313

8. Grand Theft Auto V

9. Tomb Raider

10. Prey 2