Do developers take notice of rampant PC software piracy? Should multi-platform games be released on console first before they're released on PC? Would this help or hurt developers recoup development costs before the darkweb zaps all profits away?
Many might argue that the people who would download pirated software wouldn't buy the game anyway. I'm not 100% sure I believe in that school of thought. I think that a game such as Life is Strange episode 1, priced at $4.99, would make spending such a small amount of money to help the developer continue making games would be a no-brainer. It costs less than a cup of Starbucks, or round-trip daily commute; yet - it's out there...
As far as I know, PS4/X1 piracy isn't possible. Why not have timed exclusives? Is the PC (paying customer) market that big that they can't afford to hold back that segment for three to six months? I know the installed base of current-gen consoles is only around 25 million, but that's 25 million paying customers vs a bunch of leechers.
It's my theory and hope that would-be pirates who eagerly want to play a game would rather pay for it, than wait three months to pirate it.