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Achievement Update #95

It's another Monday so that means it's another Achievement Update! Also, I have a important blog coming up so keep your eyes tuned on my blog! Actually it's really only important if you like gadgets, computers, or computer gaming. That's all I'll say however on my Giant Bomb profile you should already know if you read my status in the past days. Oh well, let's just get to the achievements!

105/1000 Points
9/50 Achievements

Rising Star
Points: 20
Description: You completed 100% on any song on Expert in single player.
Acquired: July 17, 2009

Name: Mooned
Points: 5
Description: You performed as the Drummer.
Acquired: July 16, 2009

Name: Wondrous Strummer
Points: 30
Description: You completed the Career as the Guitarist.
Acquired: July 16, 2009

Name: The Greatest Journey in History
Points: 10
Acquired: You completed a song in every venue.
Acquired: July 16, 2009

Name: Glory to the Daring
Points: 10
Description: You played a song in the Atlantis venue.
Acquired: July 16, 2009

Name: That Was Close!
Points: 10
Desciption: You won a song with the rock meter in red.
Acquired: July 14, 2009

Name: There's Hope!
Points: 10
Description: You recovered from a poor performance.
Acquired: July 14, 2009

Name: Golden Fingers
Points: 5
Description: You performed as the Guitarist.
Acquired: July 13, 2009

Name: I Wanna Rock!
Points: 5
Description: You completed a song with any instrument on any difficulty in local Quickplay or Career.
Acquired: July 13, 2009

19,426 Points

So that was my week for gaming. I need to return Smash Hits soon so I've been playing that like crazy to get as many achievements as possible. I'm about to beat the drums on medium. Yeah, medium I'm not good at drums. I want to get all the career achievements. After I beat drums, I'm gonna move on to vocalists which I can't wait for because of Through Fire and Flames which is the last song of every career and is required to beat the game. Yeah, it sounds like you'd never get the guitar career done because of it but it's a bit easier now so don't worry. However, my friend who beat it on Expert on GH3 can't beat it on here because he's so used to the other one and told me every single thing they changed so it's different. Anyways, after vocals I'm gonna do bass to complete all four instruments. If I have time, I'll then go through getting some easy achieves that are just complete tutorial or download something. Wish me luck! After this I'm gonna go back to Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda to get the rest of those achievements. Now look for my next blog because not only will it have tech stuff but it has some cool things that are going to be happening in the coming months for me so it's a must read because I'm pysched about all of it.

Until next time, I WANNA ROCK!
-PDB aka Gamer Geek360