Valve, one of the most notable companies in the gaming industry has yet to announce Half Life 3. Half Life is one of the games that revolutionized the modern first person shooter genre. With sci-fi weapons and a great use of physics it was truly one great game. Half Life two was released on November 16 2004, and even brought a new story to the Half Life saga. Two other episodes were released in the game The Orange Box along with two other products made by Valve. That was about five years ago and people are enraged, Half Life 3 has yet to be confirmed to be in development. This February a steam group (another product produced by Valve) protested claiming that they wanted more news from Valve. Over 30,000 people attended the protest and played Half Life two for over six hours. The group now boasts over 60,000 members and they demand news. One notable thing about Valve is that they dont tend to ever put the number three in any of their games.
It almost seems as if its a pet peeve of theirs, one of their longest running games (Counter Strike) has never had the number three in any of their games and even three games were released! There has been many theories and jokes about Half Life 3 being confirmed most of them, present a math equation whose answer is the number three. Hopefully we will eventually see a new Half Life the game that expanded our imagination beyond limits.