In the year 2070 the world's thermal energy has increased as the sun's harmful radiation destroyed its ozone layer; the earth has been in a widespread drought. All humanity was lost and there has been not much life on earth. All of the plants, animals, and even insects have been lost. Many people have feared that this day would come so they made a synthetic storm cloud to come on October 19th 2170 to bring the world water and life. The synthetic materialistic water is actually Nano-bots that have the same characteristics as regular H20. The Nano-bots are on their first mission and their objective is to go out to earth and to try feeding one plant. This is the story of how one single droplet had saved the earth and life itself.
"GO GO GO!" Commander Lyle said as he uncovered the rubber insulator cloud's door. "This is your first mission and more than likely your last it is to bring the earth water to save life and to save the planet. Since the earth's temperature is so hot and the earth's clouds are great conductors (since the sun's radiation has destroyed the ozone layer) you will more than likely evaporate and return to the cloud. If you actually manage to hit the ground you need to find a small seed so that the earth can once thrive and live once like it did in the year 2012. Everyone got that"? "Yes sir" the squad said confidently. As the other droplets jumped the commander had noticed that one smaller droplet (than the others of course) was sitting in a corner twiddling his fingers. "What are you doing soldier"? The commander said as he walked savagely. "J-just sitting here t-thinking" the water droplet Nathan said in anxiety. "Thinking about what?" "T-trees" Nathan said. "Well uh-ehm just jump and make it to the earth." As Nathan walked he thought of the worst things ever like one of the earth's clouds swallowing him and a solar flare striking him with the outermost ferocity. The door opened and he jumped.
As he dropped he could see his squad mates change phases from water to gas in seconds. Since he was small he could easily fit through some of the cloud's molecules and he could even see some small atoms yelling at some electrons saying "Get back into that electron cloud". When he hit the ground he could already feel the earth's solid core. What Nathan saw was an apocalyptic view of earth; no plants, animals, or even cracks for that matter. When the earth's ozone layer was destroyed the earth gained lots of heat and molecules expanded resulting in faults in the earth's crust; but also since the earth's ozone layer is destroyed every time the sun goes down the molecules stop expanding and slow down making the earth very cold and even freeze. Nathan has walked for days and still has not found any cracks yet. At night he changes into a solid and by day he melts into a liquid. One day he tripped over a small crack. Hmm he said to himself how can I ever get into this small thing? As he thought he twiddled his fingers (it helps him think really hard) and he came up with an idea he could try making himself turn into gas by just simply holding a conductor. Since he was a Nano-bot he could not turn into a gas unless he broke himself apart. Since he couldn't do that he just had to squeeze inside the hole and, since he was a Nano-bot he could feel no pain so this would be an easy job.
When he squeezed himself inside the hole he fell straight down and damaged one of his sensors knocking him out. When he woke up he could see a group of older models of Nano-bots chanting "the prophecy is coming true the prophecy is coming true". "Where am I? He said to one of the older models. "Ah he is awake hey look everyone he is awake. Get up get up we have lots to show you". The friendly bot helped him up and Nathan could see that he had no water like characteristics he was completely solid. As he got up he could see a city completely made up of glass and he could even see the condensation on the walls. Touring around the city he could see lots of things that he had never seen before like other objects. The friendly bot had led him to the elder because the elder had to tell him something very important. "Hello" the elder said "H-hello" Nathan replied in fear. The elder was a big lumpy thing that was growing some kind of arm that looked like wood but it was flimsy and ugly. "Do you know why you are here"? The Elder said. "Um no not at all" Nathan replied. "You are here to complete the convection current and to stop the world from conducting the suns heat. "Well how can I do that"? "By helping me complete my process. As you can see that I am the last seed on earth and you are the only water molecule on earth as well". "So what are you saying?" Nathan said in sarcasm. "I'm saying that in order to save this earth we need to endure ourselves to make a tree so that humans can once thrive on this earth as they did one hundred years ago.
Nathan thought really hard sitting there twiddling his fingers. He could feel the kinetic energy of his molecules shaking in anxiety. He finally came to the conclusion that he was the last speck of water on earth and he was the last hope for the earth. "Okay I'm ready" he said. "Alright" the elderly seed replied the elderly seed led Nathan to a hole and said "I have a lot of potential energy ready to spew out this should work in seconds. All I want you to do is just to run into me okay"? "Alright I'll do it". Nathan ran into the elderly seed and he fertilized the seed. Immediately he sprouted into one giant tree destroying the city of glass and cracking the earth's crust. When it finished sprouting the tree was as large as a skyscraper and the convection current could properly run correctly as rain and warm and cool air spread evenly to all parts of the world. The world was filled with oxygen and life was saved.
In the year 2070 the world's thermal energy has increased as the sun's harmful radiation destroyed its ozone layer; the earth has been in a widespread drought. All humanity was lost and there has been not much life on earth. All of the plants, animals, and even insects have been lost. Many people have feared that this day would come so they made a synthetic storm cloud to come on October 19th 2170 to bring the world water and life. The synthetic materialistic water is actually Nano-bots that have the same characteristics as regular H20. The Nano-bots are on their first mission and their objective is to go out to earth and to try feeding one plant. This is the story of how one single droplet had saved the earth and life itself.
"GO GO GO!" Commander Lyle said as he uncovered the rubber insulator cloud's door. "This is your first mission and more than likely your last it is to bring the earth water to save life and to save the planet. Since the earth's temperature is so hot and the earth's clouds are great conductors (since the sun's radiation has destroyed the ozone layer) you will more than likely evaporate and return to the cloud. If you actually manage to hit the ground you need to find a small seed so that the earth can once thrive and live once like it did in the year 2012. Everyone got that"? "Yes sir" the squad said confidently. As the other droplets jumped the commander had noticed that one smaller droplet (than the others of course) was sitting in a corner twiddling his fingers. "What are you doing soldier"? The commander said as he walked savagely. "J-just sitting here t-thinking" the water droplet Nathan said in anxiety. "Thinking about what?" "T-trees" Nathan said. "Well uh-ehm just jump and make it to the earth." As Nathan walked he thought of the worst things ever like one of the earth's clouds swallowing him and a solar flare striking him with the outermost ferocity. The door opened and he jumped.
As he dropped he could see his squad mates change phases from water to gas in seconds. Since he was small he could easily fit through some of the cloud's molecules and he could even see some small atoms yelling at some electrons saying "Get back into that electron cloud". When he hit the ground he could already feel the earth's solid core. What Nathan saw was an apocalyptic view of earth; no plants, animals, or even cracks for that matter. When the earth's ozone layer was destroyed the earth gained lots of heat and molecules expanded resulting in faults in the earth's crust; but also since the earth's ozone layer is destroyed every time the sun goes down the molecules stop expanding and slow down making the earth very cold and even freeze. Nathan has walked for days and still has not found any cracks yet. At night he changes into a solid and by day he melts into a liquid. One day he tripped over a small crack. Hmm he said to himself how can I ever get into this small thing? As he thought he twiddled his fingers (it helps him think really hard) and he came up with an idea he could try making himself turn into gas by just simply holding a conductor. Since he was a Nano-bot he could not turn into a gas unless he broke himself apart. Since he couldn't do that he just had to squeeze inside the hole and, since he was a Nano-bot he could feel no pain so this would be an easy job.
When he squeezed himself inside the hole he fell straight down and damaged one of his sensors knocking him out. When he woke up he could see a group of older models of Nano-bots chanting "the prophecy is coming true the prophecy is coming true". "Where am I? He said to one of the older models. "Ah he is awake hey look everyone he is awake. Get up get up we have lots to show you". The friendly bot helped him up and Nathan could see that he had no water like characteristics he was completely solid. As he got up he could see a city completely made up of glass and he could even see the condensation on the walls. Touring around the city he could see lots of things that he had never seen before like other objects. The friendly bot had led him to the elder because the elder had to tell him something very important. "Hello" the elder said "H-hello" Nathan replied in fear. The elder was a big lumpy thing that was growing some kind of arm that looked like wood but it was flimsy and ugly. "Do you know why you are here"? The Elder said. "Um no not at all" Nathan replied. "You are here to complete the convection current and to stop the world from conducting the suns heat. "Well how can I do that"? "By helping me complete my process. As you can see that I am the last seed on earth and you are the only water molecule on earth as well". "So what are you saying?" Nathan said in sarcasm. "I'm saying that in order to save this earth we need to endure ourselves to make a tree so that humans can once thrive on this earth as they did one hundred years ago.
Nathan thought really hard sitting there twiddling his fingers. He could feel the kinetic energy of his molecules shaking in anxiety. He finally came to the conclusion that he was the last speck of water on earth and he was the last hope for the earth. "Okay I'm ready" he said. "Alright" the elderly seed replied the elderly seed led Nathan to a hole and said "I have a lot of potential energy ready to spew out this should work in seconds. All I want you to do is just to run into me okay"? "Alright I'll do it". Nathan ran into the elderly seed and he fertilized the seed. Immediately he sprouted into one giant tree destroying the city of glass and cracking the earth's crust. When it finished sprouting the tree was as large as a skyscraper and the convection current could properly run correctly as rain and warm and cool air spread evenly to all parts of the world. The world was filled with oxygen and life was saved.