The other day, my friend asked if I wanted to come over to his government subsidised housing to watch a movie. We had a choice between Meet the Spartans and Disaster Movie. We hadn't seen either of them, so we chose Disaster Movie. Well, the movie pretty much describes itself before youeven watch it. It was a disaster. So, here are my thoughts on Disaster Movie. If you don't like what you see, don't complain. I'm allowed to have an opinion. :P
The movie begins with what appears to be a caveman, running through the wilds in "1001 B.C.* Amy Winehouse, looking worse than ever,appears to him, and tells him about the apocalypse, but not before gulping down liquor. But, oh boy! It was only a dream! The man wakes up, with Flava Flav in his bed, along with a naked chick. I'm not going to spoil it, for you any more, but you probably won't even want to watch it even 10 minutes further. :(
The movie makes many references that are starting to get stale. A character can curve bullets, like in Wanted: Weapons of Fate, the High School Musical Group sings a really stupid song... again, Hannah Montana passes out 4 times before she dies, crushed underneath a meteor, the Sex and the City girls look like a bunch of guys, Indiana Jones is a Black midget, and Alvin and the Chipmunks sing Death Metal. The references are incredibly dated, and you could probably find about 20 million videos on Youtube that make the same jokes before the movie was even released. You may get a few cheaplaughs a few times, but you can see the jokes coming like a Nuclear Weapon, which makes them a lot less funny.
About 20 minutes into the movie, the princess from the movie, "Enchanted" comes out ofthesewers, but she is actually just a Homeless person who lives in the sewers, eats beer bottles, and uses mind-warping and enchanted drugs. A few minutes afterwards, the Prince from "Enchanted" comes out of the sewers and sees the black character holding the princess, so he challenges him to a breakdancing contest. It's random, lame, and overall, a clever idea full of FAIL.
Do NOT, under any circumstances buy this movie, it's not even worth a rental. It's just a mess. The jokes are lame, dated, and pretty much all this movie has.
Disaster Movie gets...