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Blog #41 - Fox News attacks CoD: Modern Warfare 2

It seems like every year, Fox News goes out of their way to have a huge fit about violent video games. One day it's Left 4 Dead, next it's Resident Evil 5. What I don't think that Fox News gets is, 1, that it's a video game and anybody with enough sense to divide reality and fiction won't get transformed into terrorists, and 2, IT'S RATED M FOR A REASON. Last year, I believe, they did a report on Minors buying M-Rated games. Instead of doing a report on selling them to minors in the first place, they went out and bashed the ESRB, saying that the 4 most violence-influencing games are Metal Gear Sold 4, Resident Evil 4, Call of Duty, and Left 4 Dead. (I think that's what they were.) Again, the games are Rated M for a reason.

I don't even think they did their research, because you don't really play as a terrorist, you play as a CIA agent working with terrorists to take them out, because Activision feels like giving the world a chance to bask in patriotism. (IN VIDEO GAME FORM, NO LESS!) Doesn't anybody realize that Fox was kind of supporting George W. Bush's attack on Iraq? Oh. So REAL people dying and REAL people being subjects to terrorism is okay, but it seems to be more safe tothrowa huge b*tch-fitabout video games than real-life wars.The PS3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii have parental control levels, so you can stop any M-Rated games from being played on the consoles.

Fox does this every year! Every time a game is "too violent", they feel the need to relentlessly attack it without doing their research on what really happens in the game. This isn't getting them any respect.