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Playing Games on My Mac and iPhone

The games for the Mac are utterly ridiculously expensive. However, I managed to get a bargain from a gaming store and got myself Doom 3, Quake 4 and American McGee's Alice. Yeah, there are old games but I enjoy playing past games since I'm away from home and don't get to play my 360, PS3 and Wii for the time being. It's a bit of coincidence to play id Games on my Mac but the truth is, there isn't a lot of good games for the Mac not counting Lego Star Wars, Call of Duty 4 and Guitar Hero. Speaking of Alice, I heard there's a sequel coming up soon. It's about time American start making new games commercially.

Duke Nukem 3d iPhone

I've stacked a lot of games on my iPhone and I'm craving for more. Recent downloads are Eliminate Pro, Doom and Wolfenstien RPG- but the one that I'm totally focusing right now is Duke Nukem 3D. Since Duke Nukem: Forever is in an unknown state (As usual), perhaps it's a best time to relive the glory DOS game moment where it all begins. I didn't play the game back when it was first released on the PC so having a chance to experience it on the iPhone has been great. The game is a blast but I find it a little troublesome when the frame rate becomes slow making the gameplay not that fun later on. I hope an update will arrive sooner or later.

Doom ****c

Doom is another fun game. I've been waiting for it at the App Store for a very long time and I'm happy that it's finally out now. The game runs really smoothly and the pacing on gameplay is exactly how you remembered playing it years ago. The only complain I have with this game is the saving feature because it often saves the game whenever it wants, so if you happen to be in a tight spot and die, it takes you back exactly where you died. Or something like that. But other than that, Doom is a must for iPhone users.

Eliminate Pro

Eliminate Pro is an original FPS game for the iPhone. It sort of a cross between Counter-Strike and Halo, where you "eliminate" as many foes as you can but in a Sci-Fi world. It can be a addictive game and plus it's free. Yeah, surprisingly Eliminate Pro is a free App and it caught me by surprise. However, like any other free stuff, there's a catch to it. Every time you enter a match, you will slowly lose some Energy Cells from your self and if it reaches to zero, you are unable to participate in anymore matches. In order to recharge your Energy Cells, you have to go to the iTunes Store and pay a sum of money in exchange for the Cells. Now that sounds like a scam now, doesn't it? Luckily, you have the alternate choice of waiting for the Cells to recharge on its own after waiting for a few hours.

The other thing I find it not to my liking are the controls. Moving around is fine but when I want to aim and shoot, it's not that stable. The gun keeps fidgeting around making it difficult for me to shoot at the enemy properly. I'm not sure if it's the game's flaw or my lousy reflexes but it is kind of a pain to experience it. Bottom line, Eliminate Pro is a fun and original game but having to pay real cash for some recharging crap may not be a good reason to get it just yet.

DOA BlackJack Kasumi

Another game that's worth mentioning is DOA: BlackJack~ Kasumi Version. It's basically your average BlackJack game but with Kasumi as your card dealer. She will cut the cards while juggling her bouncy assets in front of you. It's as weird and cool as it gets. With the amount of money you accumulate from winning, you can use it to purchase some pictures of Kasumi and get new costumes for her to wear. The one that she's wearing in this picture requires a lot of dough to unlock it. It was a lot of work but it's worth it in the end 8).

There are many more games that I would to like to share it in here but maybe next time. I'm mostly busy with my work but I do my best to play as many games as possible during my spare time. If you're also an iPhone user and have downloaded some games, do recommend me some good ones.

Catch ya later!

-Psykhophear aka Psycho_Path