I just received one of the most amazing news on a Tuesday evening two days ago. I passed the most hideous subject ever to infest into a student's mind and manipulate our brains in so many ways. What am I talking about? I'm referring to a subject called Quantitative Methods for Business & IT.
This subject (QM for short) has been haunting me for almost three years because it's such an incredibly stupid and terrible piece of crap. I failed horribly the first time and I have to take it again, and it took the faculties a year for me to retake it again. In case you're wondering, QM is a business math which consist of everything that has nothing to do with what I want to fulfill. It contain numbers, figures, shapes, and all kinds of garbage which can corrupt one's mind. God, I hate math!!!
I've always hated math ever since my primary years. I was in a private school and they had a very lousy education system which was why I had trouble with my numerical skills during my youth. I struggled almost every day coz the teachers would give you a stack of homework to do and if you couldn't finish it, they would physically give you a tight slap. It was no joke I'm telling you. That left me crippled for life and it was one of those things where nothing could've been done.
The first QM lectures were hell. We had a blur-cased lecturer who didn't have any clue in what was taught there. He was unsure of the syllabus, made lots of errors and he just suck terribly. As a result, I failed miserably. My retake was different. This new lecturer definitely knows her thing but she was too good, she gave us tons of work. But having said that, she was 100 times better than the previous retard Her teachings helped me improve my knowledge of QM and I was surely ready for the final exam.
It was tough come to think of it. The exam consist of two sections; Section A requires you to answer 'em all whereas section B answer only two out of four. The retake really helped a lot, which made the exam easier than the previous. And so I passed, and I'm happy for it. But nevertheless, I still (Forever and always will) hate math! It's an ugly invention and only a moron would appreciate it.
Thanks for reading!