@akash667: Steam takes 30% of gross, so closer to $112k, assuming all copies were sold at this price. The game launched at 15% off as well. And it's been available since late Feb.
@hardsugacookie: The cost to develop games has gone up astronomically over the past 5-10 years, yet the price of games has not increased (and in many cases dropped).
@jamesbr27: You already pay real money inside a game if you buy it at all. It's just if you spend the money beforehand or afterwards. Many people buy season passes or deluxe editions but don't consider themselves people who spend money on MTX, but that's exactly what's happening.
@095610: No one comes online to say "yay I purchased this awesome thing!" or "hey look what I just got from a loot box!" - if they did they would get flamed. So you end up getting an echo chamber of negative reactions even tho clearly everyone is spending money on these things.
puaemerson's comments