Last month saw the release of Final Fantasy 13, and while that is nice and dandy for the majority of sheep who are following the herd, I for one am astounded that I have not seen coverage of what I would call one of the most important games of the coming year, The Last Story. For those who don't know, The Last Story is the child of legendary Final Fantasy creator, Hironobu Sakaguchi (HS). Mistwalker, HS's new development company, has released two games prior to The Last Story, one being Blue Dragon and the other Lost Odyssey (both on xbox 360). However, The Last Story is different as it is aimed for release on the Nintendo Wii. With such a small selection of RPGs and traditional games, I am greatly surprised that this has not been higher in Wii news. With new columns being released straight from Mistwalker each week depicting game mechanics, setting, and back story I believe there should be an official thread or page made solely for all updates. To keep myself up to date on development of The Last Story I have been checking in on various foreign video game websites who are doing continual coverage on HS's latest work. This is quite troublesome for it requires translating of various languages which may or may not equate to correct understanding. While i appreciate coverage of well known games such as Gears of War 3, Monster Hunter Tri, Metroid: Other M, I would be extremely grateful if I could view the weekly updates and art for The Last Story in a dedicated area. Why is it that every time I log on I see a new update on the Infinity Ward/Activision/MW2 scandal, but I can't seem to find a bit of information on one of the RPG world's most influential designer's latest work? Is it because MW2 is the highest selling game ever while the majority of people that play video games don't even know who HS is or what Lost Odyssey means? Probably, but this should not prevent hungry Wii owners and excited RPG fans from learning about what is in store for a neglected console and a generic genre.
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