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I used to love Skyrim like you but then I took I hundred game crashes to my PS3.

So I was a bit of a late comer to Skyrim and got round to playing it about 6 months after it came out. Of course by this point the complaints were already rife about the quality of the game on PS3. From laggy screen tears to game crashes it seemed something just wasn't right with many PS3 versions of this game. I had looked forward to this game for a while and wasn't going to let me these complaints deter me from playing it so I jumped in....

186 hours later and I've finished the main quest-line done every companion, theif and mage quest collected every dragon shout and bought houses in every city to hold my various Daedric artifacts, assorted potions and occasional wife. I am Dragonborn, saviour of the world and loved by all the people of Skyrim and perhaps the most surprising thing, all done with no notable crashes and minimal lagging. 

Suffice to say I loved the game and when the DLC came out half price on PSN I purchased it and decided to start a new game. This is where my experience changed for the worse. After a good few hours in again with no real problems thing started to go wrong, load times were getting longer, pauses to allow for texture pop in became a regular occurrence and a couple of quest breaking bugs appeared. Still I trudged on hoping it wouldn't get any worse but now at this point just before writing this  the game is not too far of being unplayable. Sprinting for any length of time is out of the question, going through a door yields a good chance of the never reaching the other side before the game crashes and waiting for the load times of a fast travel requires a good book.

Its been a long, hard road for Bethesda while trying to fix this game for the PS3 and the sad fact is a year and a half later the game still is not fixed and at this point perhaps never will be. Some people have gotten very angry at the way Skyrim has played out on the PS3 and rightly so and maybe I should be one of them and I definitely will be wary of future products but if I'm honest all Bethesda needs to tell me to secure my purchase of their next game is one word and one number.

Fallout 4.