When me and Tarz Chain-Driver first met our swords clashed and he threatened me verbally about how much he would enjoy killing me. Just another day in Mordor for Talion and even when he killed me and got promoted I was alright with it. I mean I am basically invincible in this game anyway so no big deal Tarz I'll get you later.
A few dead Captains later and sure enough me and Tarz come face to face again. It was bound to happen sooner or later and so I tore his head off with a Caragor. Seemed like the natural reaction and I got on my way. Next day I'm fighting another Captain and who shows up but my old rival Tarz Chain Driver.
Surprisingly he's fairly intact for an Orc who got his head chewed on not a day ago. He stands there with his new makeshift metal stiching on his head and boasts about how he survived our previous engagement and then a strange feeling comes over me. I don't really want to kill him. This Orc is perhaps the most interesting character in the game so far and his story comes entirely from my battles with him. I remember his name better than the wraiths currently sharing my body and thats just both wrong and utterly brilliant.
So a few battles and shared deaths later Tarz is a level 20 Captain who at this point in our relationship I now actively want to become a Warcheif so that I can have a epic final battle with him. I don't know how the game ends but I've a feeling than the final boss will not compare to me and Tarz's bumpy relationship to say the least.
This hand crafted story between myself and a random NPC is the sole reason why Middle of Earth Shadow of Mordor is one of my favourite games of the year so far. Games try so hard to create relationships between characters and so few succeed in making me care about those said relationships but by allowing me to put in the effort myself I have created a rivalry that is more fun for me to play out than any other given pre-defined enemy in any other game.
So you can keep your Katherine Marlowe's and Haytham Kenways because the only nemesis I need is Tarz Chain-Driver.
Honourable mentions go to my other not quite so interesting rivals Hork the Poet and Lorm the Handsome but my heart can only choose one nemesis and Tarz just edges you guys out. Bad luck.