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#1 puertoricanguy
Member since 2004 • 119 Posts
How do you get the bright wizard hat(the pointy one)mexicutioner_07

check www.gamefaqs.com
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#2 puertoricanguy
Member since 2004 • 119 Posts

[QUOTE="fiercedeity901"]lets see who would buy it,hmmm...lets see who would be in their right minds to pass up a deal of a $150 console, tons of great games including old schools, and new ways to play them, and a system to own all FPS genre type games,hmmm...yep i guess your right i'd pass all this up just for a better looking game anyday i mean afterall it is about looks and how high the price is right, i mean you just can't get a good game without it's sytem being $600, hmmm....now that you metion it i guess no one will buy it SARCASM^^^^^^^nasos_333_basic

Under 300$ means 150$. SINCE WHEN ? By the way, do you have a pc. You would know then that setting any game on 640x480 res look like crap compaing to 1024x768 one. So do we want more crap looking BLURRY games ? NO WAY.

since when the hell have we seen a blurry game on the cube, i don't remember any of em, HD is not that great yet and i'm glad it doesn't support it cuase it would be $300, but nintendo knows that a VAST number of people don't have no where near as close as much money needed to buy an HD TV

if you compare ANY GC game to ANY xbox 360 game, they look BLYRRY AS HELL. Come on, it is 3 times more pixels, can't your IQ support and decrypt that claim of mine ?

Some Oblivion high res pics, only on 720p (it will support 1080p too, imagine that)


And you just HAVE to see some of the news pics/scans from Gameinformer/PCgamer, the vistas are BREATTAKING, huge lifelike mountains, huge lakes with rippling reflecting water, waterfalls, rivers etc etc

I will find some GC pics now to compare, just wait there ...

360 does not support 1080p