@nyadc: as if i gaive a shit. same with ur alts.
puko007's forum posts
best franchise in world of gaming
yeah xbox and pc gamers must admit it.
@howmakewood: the order,until dawn,blood borne, mgs5, just cause 3, batman arkham knight and lot more.
what do you people have? nothing.
@GreySeal9: says the guy with a hermit alts.
@lostrib: i dont give a shit.
@lostrib: what makes you to use alt's and your shitty profile. especially for your shitty profile why u make 10 more alt's?
seriously god of war franchise ended with god of war 3 as its finale and we dont want god of war 4.
god of war triology and its prequels made it an epic saga and the best franchise in the world of gaming.Making a god of war 4 and 5 will only hurt and do more damage to it.
I rather prefer santa monica reboots god of war 1 and 2 and makes next gen reboot of original god of war's on ps4 or an other ip.
same can be said about other games too. Mass effect ended with mass effect 3 we dont no more mass effect andromeda(and bioware is litrelly sjw's now) bullshit and gear of war ended with gears 3. no need for gears of war 4 bullshit.
hermits cant even afford a good tv and a ps4?
using photomode the blur can be disabled and you can play however you want.bascially photomode in the order is like the sweetfx mod in skyrim that hermits always brag about graphic mods.
without filter the game looks good and even with the filter the game looks incredble.
time to accept no game on pc looks half as good as the order graphically.
uncharted 4 and the order 1886 make squandron 42 and star citizen look like launch ps3 games.
@Cloud_imperium: dat alt
enjoy ur time in the asylum.
in pc and xbox one best graphics is ac unity followed by ryse.
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