I am a female and love to play games. Too bad female gamers aren't really socially accepted, I think this is one of the reasons why it seems like girls/women don't play them, they just don't admit it.
A lot of clichés about (female) gamers exist; store employees simply can not believe that I play the games myself. They ask me to package it as a gift or say that I can return it in case "the person for who the gift is, doesn't like it" and so on.
As a child I owned a Sega MS and aSNES, later on a PS1, PS2 and now a WII
The games I really liked are the first Tomb Raider games, Resident Evil 2,3,4, Final Fantasy 8& 10, Medal of Honour series, Jak2&3, Zelda series, Donkey Kong series, Manhunt :), Metal Gear Solid on PS1 (can't remember exact name, sorry) hehe I cried in the end when Marryl died:p, WII sports, Forbidden Siren 1&2 (in my opinion the best (cult) games ever and a must buy for all the openminded) and so many more.
What doesn't enter my console are sportsgames (except for WII maybe), racing games, fighting games, games that involve flying with airplanes, barbie games etc
now I am playing Scarface on the WII(also a nice game that doesn't seem to be appreciated here on gamespot) and have a great laugh spitting Tony's over the top sexism around.
Bye bye all from a female gamer you would not recognise when you see her on the catwalk! :DD
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