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punk91 Blog

What the hell was that?

When I opened my eyes today, one thought ran through my mind: "What the hell was that?" I got info about Star Control II from giantbomb. Quite weird actually. I watched the last "Building a Bomb" video and the video was linked to SCII. Curiosity took me, I looked the game up. I got interested and thanks to a review in YouTube, got the game for free. Thank god for that... I downloaded The Ur-Quan Masters and started playing it on my old laptop about twelve o'clock midnight.

The story hooked me. It sounded interesting. Also, the shere scope of the game astounded me. It's so freaking big... so big infact, that I'm starting to belive, that I don't have time for this game.

Basically, the game boils down to collecting minerals while avoiding hazards and collecting data, dog-fighting with other space-crafts and exploring the whole f-ing space... It's a simple game, in design at least. And addicting as hell... But there is hardly any story now, you know your mission pretty much straight away. If there are twists, which I hope, I'm in luck...

But yeah... collecting dots and upgrading my ship, that was how my night went. I came across few threats, but thanks to the save anywhere option, the strategy part is stolen away.

When I finally came to my senses, it was five o'clock in the morning. I saved and tried some hair-brain schemes and went to bed. With a weird feeling... I don't get my condition. Am I awestruck or something? Is the dot collecting game that good or have my standards flewn away? I don't get it.

Finding the Bomb

Like any other, I was devastated by the fact that Jeff Gerstmann left GameSpot. Time went by and yesterday I embarassingly discovered, that Jeff was back in a new site. I googled Jeff and found a Wikipedia page of him. Love the fact that a great guy is in there :) There was information about the new site. Now I have to gaming related sites on my Bookmark and an account to each. If anyone hasn't yet discovered this... unlikely, but still: http://www.giantbomb.com

Books -shmooks-Tooks...

So once in a while I get happy stuff too, and this time it was my birthday. The day itself (last Friday) wasn't that special. There was a physics test and I pretty much failed it. This was the first time in years, that I was kinda anxious about presents. I told my mom that I would want Stephen Kings "Gunslinger", "Drawing of the Three", and "The Waste Lands". (in estonian of course...) My father also gave me 1000 estonian money (kroonid, kui keegi veel ei tea). My mother got me the first two books, saying that it was a start and the second one was from my brother and his girlfriend. I don't really mind, I love the books, although I've never read them. I did kinda know, that they would be awesome. I'm really enjoying "The Gunslinger", I've read half way through, which is good, since I don't read that often. I didn't know what to do with the money first, actually. In the afternoon I surfed the internet and found a site, that transported books from the USA to Estonia. I ordered Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" and Clive Barker's "Imajica". Since I have read all the Garry Totter books besides the seventh one (in english), I thought I'd give the two authors a chance. I actually wanted Clive Barker's "Weaveworld" too, but you don't get that much with 800 EEK. (I bought a christmas present for my classmate for 200) I can't wait until they arrive. Has anyone read either of those books?

Good things don't come always with bad, but this time it did. My dad has been drinking alot and yesterday my mother finally threw him basically out. Haven't seen him since Monday evening... I wonder what will happen...

don't get any big ideas, they're not going to happen.

My dog Emma died on the 25th of October. Now I know what to wish on new years eve. A happier year, with no grief.

I finished Star Wars Republic Commando. A great game but a bit too straightforward for my taste. Nonetheless, I got a big lesson... do not mess with trandoshans... and those really agile ninja's that are a pain to take out...

Ending with a gaming related subject, i'm thinking of doing a Thief Gold gameplay commentary series, but I don't know where. Maybe YouTube or GameSpot... perhaps even both. I got the idea of course from AlbedosRightHand (YouTube). I have finished 2 starting titles and 3 endings as well... Don't know how long it will take, but I'll try to make it.

a hopeless commando.

Well, I'm back after a... very long break from blogging. It has definently been a weird couple of months. We buried our grandmother in the Rapla cemetary (11. sept. 2008 ). Since that I had no wish or desire to write, draw or do anything. The funeral was... I guess I can't describe it. It was the first one where I had to sit with my family at the front with the body. Every time a person came to give his regards, I couldn't help but to look back at the time, when my grandmother was alive. I played the saxophone there too. I'm really suprised that I could pull together. Maybe it was a coincidence, but about three days after the funeral, our dog Emma got a child. A boy. I'm still not convinced that every time a person dies, life will balance it... I'm not just that convinced.

School has been tiresome. A lot of homework in the tenth grade I presume. I got a new english teacher. Tony from Canada... he's sometimes a ok person, sometimes an ass. I don't know why, but I'm tired from this. School that is. I don't know when it started... maybe last year or something. I don't know. It's perhaps silly... maybe I'm just lazy but I want a big break. On the 30. sept. I went to Austria with an orchestra. That kind of break is good, but I want peace and quiet or something completely different from schoollife... maybe I'll go somewhere on summer.

I'm also right back I guess where I was last year. I'm hopelessly in love with a girl who has talked to me only a little... I don't want to get hurt again like I did last year...

Anyway... gaming is so slow... I didn't know what to play... now I got Republic Commando and I love it... although It's a little too straightforward. I love the Metroid Prime look to the game... I'll try to finish it and play it again with higher difficulty...


I got the PC back today... some stuff are new, some old...

Pentium 4, 3.00 GHz, 2 GB of RAM, MSI RX9550SE... a new motherboard and guess what... no new hard drive, so only 2 GB of free space... NOOOO!!! there goes the plan of playing Oblivion and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ... rats... maybe I can delete some files... maybee...

I'll try maybe Fallout... I played Simon the Sorcerer on the old laptop... great adventure, I'll try the second one too.

Oh and the new GS site is pretty sweet, I love it!

some time now

Summer isn't going very well... Sometimes it's fun to just rest, but now I don't have the PC in working order. There's probably ventilator issues or something like that. So i'm using a old laptop... really old... 64 mb of RAM... sweet... I can't play here or anything. MSN is out of order here too... The only game I can play is Castlevania and I'm not really in the mood for whip-swinging action.

I'll probably post something after the PC is in order...

Metroids and castles don't mix.

Well... I really need a bigger hard drive for my gaming needs. Thinking (as always, THINKING) about getting a 500 GB hard drive. That should be enough for me and my siblings. I wanna play Resident Evil 4 again... finish Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones... get Condemned: Criminal Origins (the demo isn't enough!), S.T.A.L.K.E.R... Oblivion of course... and other big games with big weight...

Until then, I'm stuck with older ones, wich are great, but I need new ones too...


For example, I played and finished the first Metroid for the NES. Took about 5 hours. Got to bed around 4 o'clock :) I had trouble though with the last part... didn't get the ice-beam. If anyone knows, It's a hastle getting along only with the screw-attack :/. But I finished it, that's what counts. :)

Started from the start about three days ago Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. Really great game. Reminds me of Metroid and in some ways even better. Sometimes it's a hastle with the map and all... where the heck do I have to go, and all that :P Thinking of playing through Harmony of Dissonence and Aria of Sorrow too :P

Let's see, If I can get past that darn Battle Arena :S :P ...and beat Dracula of course :P

Also, I'm playing on a private server for MU Online... what a pointless level grind that is... but it's at least fun for me... so If I'm bored getting my ass kicked in the Battle Arena in Castlevania, I'll turn off my GBA and get another reset or two :P


some time

Some time has past since my last blog... I'll try to make it up for you. ;) For starters, I finished System Shock 2. I wanted to finish it before AlbedosRightHand (from YouTube) finishes his gameplay commentaries... and I did... :P He does them not so often, so I had an advantage. For those who have played the game, I was a UNN navy. Playtime was about ten hours (I saved constantly :P) and overall It was a great experience. I started as a psy-ops character, but stopped it... Started playing Silent Hill 1 ;)

Silent Hill is a pretty good survivial horror game. Although the graphics are outdated now and the combat is just... a pain in the buttocks, It's overall a good game. I'm currently at the school... that piano puzzle is tricky, but I know how to solve it. The game even scares me sometimes... mainly the atmosphere that the meager graphics and superb sound make... and I'm not that easily scared ;)

Started Prince of Persia: Sands of Time yesterday and finished it this morning for the... 5th time or so (no, I didn't play it all night long...). A short but really sweet game ;) I'll probably play through Warrior Within too on the hardest difficulty... then I'll try to get The Two Thrones from somewhere...

Speaking of Prince of Persia, the new one that UBISOFT is making looks really sweet. It has a really unique art style and the elements from the previous games seem to be intact. The game is made with the Assassins Creed engine and that troubles me alot... That means I'll have to make my CPU more powerful... or I'll make some money and buy a XBOX 360... Buying a 360 seems more likely since it will be cheaper (I have a crap of a PC!)

I have exams at the 4th, 11th and 16th June. Estonian, maths and english. I want to have summer already, but no... Irritating.

Well... don't know, if this made up for the... what was it... 3 months?

But see ya ;)

completely tired...

The last week was probably the most tiresome yet... although school was a real slack, because of the schools birthday... 20 years... (Happy birthday!)... I had alot to do. Concerts were pretty much at every corner... One moment singing with our school choir, the second with a jazzband.

Yesterday didn't have much sleep. Half the time just layed awake thinking about the next day and a really special someone who I wanted to talk to. To make things right and settle the things once and for all. But as usual, things didn't go that way. I had two chances, but I blew it..

I'm thinking of going to the Johnny Cash memorial concert this saturday. It would be nice... really liked the music he made. Came from the soul you see...

Although I had a rough week, I managed to finish Dead Reefs. Today actually... sorry Lewuz... I was bit distracted... won't happen again ;) When I submit this blog to Gamespot, I'll be on my way finishing the review.

See ya! ;)