Some time has past since my last blog... I'll try to make it up for you. ;) For starters, I finished System Shock 2. I wanted to finish it before AlbedosRightHand (from YouTube) finishes his gameplay commentaries... and I did... :P He does them not so often, so I had an advantage. For those who have played the game, I was a UNN navy. Playtime was about ten hours (I saved constantly :P) and overall It was a great experience. I started as a psy-ops character, but stopped it... Started playing Silent Hill 1 ;)
Silent Hill is a pretty good survivial horror game. Although the graphics are outdated now and the combat is just... a pain in the buttocks, It's overall a good game. I'm currently at the school... that piano puzzle is tricky, but I know how to solve it. The game even scares me sometimes... mainly the atmosphere that the meager graphics and superb sound make... and I'm not that easily scared ;)
Started Prince of Persia: Sands of Time yesterday and finished it this morning for the... 5th time or so (no, I didn't play it all night long...). A short but really sweet game ;) I'll probably play through Warrior Within too on the hardest difficulty... then I'll try to get The Two Thrones from somewhere...
Speaking of Prince of Persia, the new one that UBISOFT is making looks really sweet. It has a really unique art style and the elements from the previous games seem to be intact. The game is made with the Assassins Creed engine and that troubles me alot... That means I'll have to make my CPU more powerful... or I'll make some money and buy a XBOX 360... Buying a 360 seems more likely since it will be cheaper (I have a crap of a PC!)
I have exams at the 4th, 11th and 16th June. Estonian, maths and english. I want to have summer already, but no... Irritating.
Well... don't know, if this made up for the... what was it... 3 months?
But see ya ;)