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...A spaceship landed and aliens squashed the girl with a giant pumpkin.

X-Files 2 came out today!!!!! :D:D:D

There is no word, but


For some reason we got it on the 24th. Bwahaha Australia rocks. :D But I'll only see it on the 26th. Bugger. I've made reservations with my sister, Smeagol & Keren, Alex and Steph. The paper gave it an evil review :evil: and I wanted to slap someone. But I had to go school.

I had such a random day today. Firstly, it was three degrees when I had to walk to school. :( Then when I got to school we had to wait outside for the stupid substitute because my teacher is getting her tooth fixed. She also constantly tells us random information about herself. And then Su (who stole my book :evil: ) was annoying me by asking the time every two minutes and copying my work and Jake was badgering me about some crap and Jack kept throwing things into the bin over my head. And he got whiteout on me. And that was just English. Lol I'm ranting again. Sorry.

I got no work done in maths because Julian and Razi were arguing about who invented ripping people's legs off. Yes I'm friends with a lot of crazy people. But at least I got a lolly.

Steph wasn't at school because of an "incident" involving a scary guy from her dance cla$s From what she told me he sounded like a pedo, although this whole thing sounds a little blown out of proportion. Steph has spent too much time in private girl schools. Moving to a co-ed public school must be what its like to move from a small country town to New York City.

Bones is on, but I've seen this one. It's the exploding soccer mom one. Smeagol got it from Thailand. People are alweays saying how Bones is like the X-Files, but it ain't. Admittedly BB is a little MSRish. Just a little. But the show is different. It's funnier and there's no conspiracy. I will always love The X Files more. ALWAYS. Don't kill me Smeagol.

I am freezing my tuchas off so I am going to turn on the heaters.

Thats better. Oh look SVU is on. The one where Elle Fanning sets fire to Beck's place. Now Elliot just got stabbed with a pen. Poor baby. I wish Olivia was there.

I've just gotten into Dexter. YAY DEXTER! :D:D:D There's a book too, which I am currently reading. It has Michael C Hall on the front. There are another two.

Is it just me or does MCH look funny when he's not David (Six Feet Under)? I have a strange urge to shave him and force him into a suit, and I close my eyes whenever he kisses Darla. Er... Rita. *sighs* I miss SFU. :(

I'm tired so I'll watch the rest of SVU and go to bed. I'm sorry about the extreme randomness. Really.

Night Night.